
Thursday, July 27, 2006

Italian boy recites Quran

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Islam means to surrender to the Lord of Heavens

Sohbet from 9.7.06
Islam means to surrender to the Lord of Heavens

X, you are understanding, what I am saying?...Congratulations!! All of you also, you are understanding?... Subhanallahi-l 'Aliyu-l 'Azim!

Destur, ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Anbiya, Meded, ya Rijalallah! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Every movement, every acting must be for the honour of our Lord Allah Almighty! This is a meeting- for whom we are coming and meeting here? I don't think that it is a meeting for Dunya, no! Everywhere you can find meetings; meetings that means: people crowding? May Allah forgive us! We are trying to work for Allah Almighty

Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya

Half of these people they are sitting in front of that shaitan box, computer, putting here also X., look to me!...From where you are coming to make me (to shout)...I am (saying about a) very important pointnow, just I lost it? Two times making me to call ?X., X.?, for what this? I lost now? Half of Dunya (is) just occupied for (the) moneymarket- selling and buying? ?Just I was gaining one million, making me to lose it! From where you are coming? Shaitan person!?? How are you, our attenders? I hope that they are making me to addressto you truly, because truth (is) gaining true ones honouring andtrustworthy people they are going to be dressed heavenly honour dressing? X., you are understanding?... Everyone?... That is our business. Whole people (are) going to be business people. Everyone (is) running to be a business man, everyone (is) running to collect something that it is never going to be for him. It is true or not?... Here we are sitting; the Lord of Heavens (is) making ourselves to bethrough this meeting. I don't think that people (are) coming to hear or to learn something about their business, no. I don't think that anyone (is) coming here for earning money, no. But people (are) running and coming from long distances, they are coming here, because our souls are so thirsty and hungry; (they are) asking something. As a person (who is) traveling through (the) desert (is) asking (to find) an oasis. If he is finding an oasis, he is going to reach (safety) and he hopes that he may save himself (by) reaching to an oasis.

Sometimes people are traveling through (a) dessert, but sometimes theyare going to be cheated by desert mirages: they are thinking that thereis an oasis there, or water there, (a) spring (is) there, because from far away they are seeing (something) that (looks) like water waves, (and they are) running and reaching and finding- nothing.

Really man that they have been granted an honour from their Creator,(the) Lord of Creation: they have been granted a will, will power? thereis another word instead of ?will??(but) they are like a person (who is)missing something that he lost it and they are running to find that lost treasure, lost diamond, lost ruby, (or) lost emerald of himself and (he is) running around. This (is) just granted to everyone from our Lord Almighty Allah: Man (is) always asking to reach to something. But really they are not understanding, what they are asking (for). And always shaitan (is) coming in front of them and (is) saying to them: 'Follow me, follow me, follow me! I am guiding you on your disappeared treasure! I am that treasurer for you, follow me I shall take you tothat valuable treasure that belongs to you and you lost it. Follow me,follow me!'

This is just a heavenly grant for everyone; everyone (is) asking something, only their targets (are) going to be changed and shaitan(is) making them to be wrong, to run on a wrong direction, not to find their treasure. But it is a grant for everyone. Everyone (is) asking something and shaitan (is) making them (to think) that what you are asking, it is a material aspect. But material aspects- just (the) wholeworld (is) full (with it), full house? Even they may be living in a huge palace, everything (is) excellent oreverything (is) magnificent, but yet he is sitting (like this)? not looking (to) that walls and furniture in it and (he is) sitting on his throne and (he is) saying? someone (is) saying through himself: 'O man,that is not your treasury that you are running after it, no!'

Once, at the time of Harun ar Rashid- (he was) one of (the) most magnificent Kalifs and Emir and Malik and Sultan for (the) Islamic World that (the) whole Non-Muslim world (was) trembling from him- (he was) just a magnificent one, (a) powerful one, supported also by heavenly Support, but he had not really prepared himself to reach to that heavenly Support/
He was once asking to reach Hijaz, for pilgrimage, and he was getting out from Baghdad that Baghdad (was the) most important capital on earth(at) that time. Baghdad- I am asking from Allah Almighty to give a safety and good understanding and mercy and respect to those people that they are killing themselves! Baghdad is not going to be for Eastern people or Western people!

Just (Baghdad at that time was) surrounded by walls, ?sur?, and (the)Kalif was getting out on his way to Hijaz, for making Hajj, by (with) pilgrims he was moving. Just he came out from (the) city and out of ?sur?, out of (the) walls, always children were playing, in empty areas, lands there, they were playing. And when he was getting out and (he was) looking around, he saw children playing, but among themselves there was one person (that) he is not his looking was not (that of) a child and he (the Kalif) was asking his 'Nadim', who is always going to be with Sultans presence. He (The Sultan) was speaking to him and he was speaking to (the) Sultan, giving to him (something); when he (the Sultan) was sad, making him to be happy, such a person? he was saying: 'O my Grandwezir, who is that one? I am understanding there is so many children, they are playing, (but that person there)-? and children also they were out of walls to make Kalif to say to them (to the pilgrims farewell): 'Go safely and come safely and happily and they were also riding on canes, bamboo, they were making, sitting on it and running.And he saw that that person also was running - Who is that one?'

(The) Grandwezir (was) saying: 'O your Majesty, that is your brother Bahlul.' 'Please go and bring him to me. But don't force him; make him to come with his will, happily to come. Don't disturb him. If he is not coming, don't bring him by force!' And that Cavis, Sergeant, (was) running and saying: 'O Bahlul!' (He was looking.) 'For what you arecoming?' '(The) Kalif (is) asking for you, to see you. Please accept his order and come to him, because he likes to meet you.' And he said: 'But I don't like to meet him' 'But he is Ulu-l Amr, he is Sultan; if (the) Sultan (is) ordering (something), we must be obedient. And he was coming on his horse. Sultans horse (was) like this and he was on (the) bamboo (cane), also making like this' 'For what you are calling me, ya Khalifatu-l Muslimin, Amiru-l Muminin?' 'O Bahlul, I was asking from you an advice; an advice that makes me through my way? (that) helps me, because we are going to (the) holiest place on earth, (the) House of Lord, I am going to visit. Perhaps your advice helps me, to be there in a good position, not to make my Lord to be angry with me, (but) to make Him happy with me.'

Then (Bahlul was) standing up on his bamboo, leaving (it) there, standing and saying: 'O ya Harun, ya Harun! That is their graves (and) that is their palaces!' Nothing else. He was showing that (these are the) graves of their fathers and their grandfather; (their) tombs, under domes. 'That is their tombs and this is their palaces. And you also (are) on their ways.' 'Don't say', (it)means, 'that' These palaces (are) for me?, no! Before you your father, before him (his) grandfather, before him (his) great grandfather, they were (also) saying that?These palaces (are) for us?. But (then it was) coming a day (that they) may be taken away from their palaces. They were saying: 'That is my palace' and they have been brought to that domes, (and now) they are lying there.' And that (Bahlul) with his stick (was) making (like this) (with his) bamboo and running(away) 'Crying; (the) Kalif (was) crying'

Sometimes? I am hearing that for cars there is a balance and they are saying: ?We must take our car to make, to correct its balance.? I amsaying: ?You can?t do it?? ?No, (it) must be some specialist to makethat balance.? If a car needs a specialist to be on its real balance,what about for you, o mankind? (A) car, it needs a specialist forcorrecting its balance, (and) you, you are not in need (of) someone foryour (inner) balance? Now 21st century people (are) saying that: ?Weare not in need.? Balance- (the one) who (is) correcting (the inner)balance of mankind, (he is) coming from Heavens, not from earth!Prophets are specialists for (the) balance of mankind. If you aresurrendering to them, they are correcting your balance.

People (are) saying to me: ?O Sheikh, we are asking to be in your way,(the) Sufi-way, without being Muslim.? ?Why you are coming to me? Youare teaching me or coming to learn from me? What is this to say? Youknow what is Islam?? I may ask to (the) Pope, to (the) Patriarch, anyone: 'You know the meaning of (the word) "Islam" or not?'

(There are) so many good dressing and heavy dressing people with ornaments, with their golden crowns- I may ask to them: "What is the meaning of 'Islam'?" They are saying: 'Islam, we are not accepting?' But you are not knowing the meaning of Islam, (so) how you are sayingyou are not accepting? Which thing you are not accepting and refusing?Which thing? Islam- I may say to you- Islam means: to surrender (to)the Lord of Heavens. You surrendered or not? If (you are) surrendering,you are Muslim also, no Christianity, no Judaism, no this no that. No!?

Yaqub a.s., he was dying?he was not dying, passing?(also) he was notpassing, (but) he was reaching to Heavens, his pure soul; he was ready,he had been called to go up, his pure soul, and (he was) collecting hischildren (and he was asking them): ?O my sons, what are you going to doafter me? Say to me!? And they were saying: ?We are keeping your wayand (the way of) your grandfathers, your ancestors ways; we are goingto follow them and to be Muslims. We are surrendering to your Lord andHis heavenly Orders and Commands. We are going to be Muslims, surrendered!?

People (are) knowing nothing about religions! If they are not saying tome the meaning of Islam, they are following only Shaitan, not followingheavenly Commands that reached to people through Prophets from the lineof S.Abraham, a.s.!

Ya hasrata; (it is) so sorrowful for mankind that they are notunderstanding Islam! They are saying: ?We are not Muslim. (We are)accepting Sufi-ways, but we are not accepting Islam.?
Ya Hu, (in) Islam (are) coming Prophets to correct your balance! Thatis their importance, (their) muhimma; (their) mission and importance:to correct nations? balance. As a nation or individually and commonly.21st century people (are) never understanding! They are saying that:?We are not in need (of) a heavenly Balance.? You, what you areknowing? You created yourself? Look- (the) whole world (is) justfalling in endless problems, endless ?dhulm?, oppression, (into)countless miseries, and they are in troubles, endless troubles, theyare not knowing how they are going to save themselves. (N)eitherEngland, (nor) Russia, Japan, China? Americans, Arabs, Turks- all ofthem they are never knowing, how they are saving themselves.
I am sorry to say that Muslim countries (also) they are notsurrendering to Allah to say, to ask: ?Send us s (a) balance, balancingour people.? They are saying: ?No, (a) heavenly (Balance) we are notasking; we are following Western countries, we are democratical?? Turks, Arabs, Pakistan people- most important, (saying:) ?We are most Muslim?-they are running after democracy! This word you find in Islam? To bringfrom (the) mountains (a) shepherd, (to bring someone) from (the)bazaar, (from the) market, or (someone) from (the) army or frombusiness people, or doctors, or advocates and making a very strangecollection there. (The) shepherd (is) never understanding what (the)doctor (is) saying; (the) doctor (is) never understanding what (the)engineer (is) saying; (the) engineer (is) never understanding what(the) pharmacist (is) saying- what is that? They are going to be like zoo garden people!?

Once there was a new trend...At the beginning of last century there wasa country (that) they were collecting people, electing people andbringing (them)? Look, they were (making the) first ?ijtima?, (thefirst) meeting, and (then the) second and (the) third, (and) peoplemostly (they) were not understanding. The chairman (was) saying that:?We are, o our very respected people?, hmmm? ?We are bringing a new lawto your presence ? (We are) bringing (it) to you, to say yes or not.?One (person there was) sitting like X., like this?sitting there,sleeping? and when he was informed that: ?Look, (there is a) new law,we are now voting?, (he was) looking??Wake up!? ?What happened?Happened something?? ?Our chairman (is) bringing a new law that we maysay yes or not.? That time everyone must say ?yes?, (to say) ?no?, itis forbidden. Whole people must say ?yes?.

Then (there were) coming different parties. Coming and saying some ofthem: ?No, we are not accepting.? First (in) democracy (it was the rulethat): ?We must say ?yes? ?, if not saying (?yes?), (the) second day(you are) under (the) guillotine?Where is French people?... Makingunder guillotine, finish. No one can say ?no?. Therefore- ?Wake up, obrother!? ?What happened? Fire? Or (the) enemy (is) coming? (There isa) jet plane coming?? ?No, no, there is now a voting; (the) government(is) asking to make a port?, for example, we may say, making a portthrough Sham or (through) Homs? He is saying: ?Just they are askingnow?? ?Yes, (they are) asking now. When he is saying, you must say.???O people, we are intending to make a big port through Homs! Are youhappy to say ?yes??? ?Yes Sir!? all of them (are saying ?yes?). (Butthat one is) saying: ?O brother, where it was that port (going to be)?(In) Homs? (There is) no sea there. It is through (the) dessert!??Don?t speak too much, say only yes!? This is democracy!?

Now people (are) getting fed up from that shaitanic ways; they are getting (to be) disobedient to governments. Everywhere they arestanding (up) and (they are) rushing on governments and saying: ?We arenot accepting this, we are not accepting that?, everyone (is) coming(and) saying ?No?, because (there is) no balance for governments Theyrefused (the) heavenly Balance and (they are) using (the) shaitanicbalance and now people (are) also understanding that their governments(there is) no balance for them and they are coming, standing up andgetting angry, making troubles.

And till they are going to accept (the) heavenly Balance, humanity (is)going to finish, killing each other. That (one is) making missiles,that (one is) making another thing for killing each other. And AllahAlmighty (is) never ordering to kill each other! Allah Almighty (is)asking a happy life for His servants, but (the) shaitanic teaching (is)making mankind to be enemies to each other and to fall in(to) anendless troubles and miseries area, (so that) they (are) never going tobe able to save themselves.

O people, you must understand that we are in need (of) a balance, and(the) whole world just lost their balance; they can?t be able to bringtheir balance, except (by) accepting (the) heavenly one who should comeand making, correcting (the) balance of (the) nations!

May Allah forgive me and bless you, for the honour of the most honoure done through balance, who (is) correcting balances, (the) most honoredone, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha?

This is important?If they are not looking to what is coming from up,they are all going to be finished?not one is going to remain? It is notsomething that I am preparing?
One balance- people they are asking this to declare to whole nations;through East and West everyone must listen (to) this association thatwe are addressing to whole mankind. If not- we have another kind (of)power to take them away that they can?t expect, how it happened!Because heavenly ones (are) so powerful! I am nothing, something (is)something. Sometimes I am something! Now I am nothing, zero, but whencoming One with me, I have power! I don?t care (if the) whole world(is) rushing on me, I don?t care! Now?therefore we are giving somethingfrom reality for understanding. If not, they should be taken away?

Astaghfirullah. Fatiha!

MSN Sohbet 11.06.06

Shohbet 11.06.06

And now we are looking that this planet is ready to explode!

I don't know - (maybe it is) going to be through this month or up to Rajab or up to Shawwal or up to Muharram, but it is so near! A big explosion on this planet should be that never happened before! That last one (it is) going to be and (there are) going to be taken away billions of people! Billions of people! Before, thousands or millions (were) taken away, but now this fire (is) going to take away (all those) people, whom they are not asking trustworthy people. (Those whom) they are not following true ones, should be taken away; as rubbish (is) carried out from homes, they should be taken from life to death centers. You can find for someones some orders (?), but mostly they are going to be ashes and their buildings are going to be dust!

O people, take your care! I am a weak warner for you. Who (is) accepting, should be in safety, (who is) not accepting, he is doing his worst for himself. Who is taking such advices and keeping and using true steps, should be safe, even (if the) whole world (is) going to be in fire! As Allah Almighty just saved Sayyidina Ibrahim - 'alayhi ssalam - through (the) fire, making (that) fire for him a garden of roses. Therefore - the Lord of Heavens, the Creator of mankind that landed them on this planet, (who is) looking after them, (He is) going to save His believers and His sincere servants and others should be taken away, as rubbish (is) taken to dustbin…

May Allah forgive me and bless you! For the honour of the most honoured one in His divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Zalayhi wa sallam,

