Suhbat 08-24-2006
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytaan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem
Nawaytu'l-arba` een, nawaytu'l-`itikaaf, nawaytu'l-khalwah, nawaytu'l-riyaada, nawaytu's-salook, nawaytu'l-`uzlah lillahi ta`ala fee hadha'l-masjid
We said in the previous session that no one can understand even one of the ascensions of the Prophet. And his ascensions are infinite, you cannot count them. Because in every moment he is ascending double the ascension he ascended before. It is not that in every moment he is ascending a short distance more than before, but he is ascending double in every moment in the next moment will be double of that, the next will be four and the next sixteen and the next will we 16x16 and this is how the Prophet (s) is ascending in every moment double of the first ascension. And awliyaullah cannot even understand the knowledge and the realities that Allah swt is dressing his beloved Muhammad from one ascension to anther ascension. They might take one drop of that ocean and that drop is enough to make everyone drunk.
The greatness that Allah swt gave to Sayyidina Muhammad (s) cannot be described and that is why Allah said in holy Qur’an
Laqad ja`akum rasulun min anfusikum…. Bil mumineena raufun raheem fa in tawallaw, fa qul hasbiyAllahu La ilaha ill-Allah
Allah swt has sent from within you. Laqad ja`akum min anfusikum rasulun min anfusikum – from yourself. It means from everyone’s self there is that connection to the Prophet. If we say Prophet (s) is main source of energy then everyone plugging there. In every house you have electricity energy coming light because the main source is giving. That is why we say this electricity is from that electricity, and that is the same as that. In the house the electricity is the same, coming from same source
That is why we say from within you as from among you. That Allah sent among you a messenger. That is literal meaning. But one of the infinite meanings is that Allah swt has sent a messenger from everyone, from wherever that person has inherited and has a connection to Prophet (s) in a way that Allah knows best. From every self of us there is a connection to Prophet (s). That means every individual has a connection. And the Prophet (s) reaches us thru that trace of the connection to the self to every individual.
Laqad ja`akum rasulun min anfusikum - came from yourself. Not coming from … means he is like a main source of power and everyone is plugging. When someone is so near to you, when someone is plugged to you, you are plugging to prophet, that is why the ummat an-Nabi is still within the hugs of the prophet, between his wings, his arms, under his wings, under his arms, they cannot be out. That is why it came ‘within you’. You are under his influence. When you are under his wings and arms he will be very caring for you, that is why He said Hareesun alaykum. He doesn’t allow a moment for shaytan to pull you out. Ad that is why it came in the previous explanation of this series that Grandshaykh said, that la`an-Allah al kafireen, la`an-Allah al-mushrikeen, la`an-Allah al-munaafiqeen, that curse is coming on these bad characters. When that curse comes on them is it like a washing machine. When clothes come in washing machine what will happen: it will clean them up. So on exposing these chars. in Divine Presence they will be clean up.
That is why he is very caring for you, wa bil mumineena raufun raheem for a group of you, the mumineena… he is caring for us is , because our plug is plugged well, so we become Muslim. And with some people he is raufun raheem what is Rauf?
Gentle. Compassionate. And raheem – merciful.
Not only merciful. Rahman is merciful. Raheem is merciful that forgives you.
It means that when you are under the mercy and you are under the compassion ,it means that wherever the Prophet (s) is ascending you will be with him, you are in that ascension moving. Although you will not understand a drop of that knowledge but the Prophet (s) will not let you to be out of his arms and wings and that is why the whole Ummah is ascending with the Prophet (s) and no one will be left behind. Everyone will be in that Mi’raj. That is why Ummat an-Nabi, when someone dies from Ummat an-Nabi, he sees himself, “O I didn’t do all that. I didn’t worship so much. I never reached that level.” At that moment he understands that he was in ascension with his beloved Prophet (s) Sayyidina Muhammad and he was not left behind. If he was left behind then the Prophet (s) is not Hareesun alaykum. He cannot be caring if one left for Iblees. Allah dressed the Prophet (s) with that attribute of caring he will not leave one to the hand of Iblees. He will bring all his Ummah clean to presence of Allah in every ascension. That is not …uloom al-awwaleen wal akhireen is not something which is describable. You cannot describe it. What Allah gave to Sayyidina Muhammad (s) is beyond description. From that knowledge Grandshaykh said that anyone, he called the Sahaaba and said, anyone who completes the holy Qur’an in that night, Fatima will be his wife - my daughter. So all Sahaaba trying to compete to read the Qur’an from Isha to Fajr to finish it in that time, whatever it was revealed [up to that time]. And you have to read it with its Ahkam, its rules. All Sahaaba stayed all night trying to complete the Qur’an. At Fajr time Prophet (s) asking "did anyone complete the Qur’an?" No one said yes except Sayyidina `Ali (r). They said to him, " Ya `Ali (r) you were sleeping. How you finished? "
Because when they were reading they have to read with its rules, not like our reading, we are reading like a storyteller. They have to read it with its secret. When they are reading it, it means they are entering the ocean of every letter. And awliyaullah can reach from every letter 24,000 oceans of knowledge. When they have to read they have to go and to understand the meaning behind every letter. Not like our readings. Or not even like awliyaullah’s reading. Sahaaba. Sahabat an-Nabi (s), when they read they read with the secret of the light that comes with that letter at that moment. Because the knowledge of every letter is increasing, in ascension, ascending with its meaning. Sahaaba were reading and it is impossible to finish one page with these rules.
Sayyidina `Ali (r) was sleeping all night. They asked him “how you finished?” He said, "Ya sayyidee Ya Rasulullah" - he is the door to the city of knowledge. he knows how to reach that level. You have to have completed a certain level to have been given that knowledge of every letter. That is why awliya give too much attention to the daily awraad that they give to you.
He said "Ya sayyidee Ya Rasulullah what I read was what I took from your heart, 3 shahada 70 x istighfaar, and Fatiha and Amana ar-Rasula and alam nashrah 7 times and 11 times qul Huwa Allahu ahada, 10 La ilaha ill-Allah, and 10 salawat on you and I send it a gift on you. He said “sadaqa `Ali .”
Because 3 recitations of qul Huwa Allahu Ahad is like reading whole Qur’an as Prophet (s) said. So 3 times entering that ocean of that Surah was enough for Sayyidina `Ali (r) to reach quickly what other Sahaaba were not reaching in that time. So he gave him Sayyida Fatima.
One Qutb asked another Qutb. Qutbs discuss between each other.
One said, "if all of them had complete the holy Qur’an, what will the Prophet (s) do?"
The Prophet (s) said if anyone completed the whole Qur’an by Fajr, I will give him Fatima . The other Qutb said to his brother Qutb, if all of them had completed, what would the Prophet (s) have done? The other Qutb was higher in level. See awliyaullah. He said that that Prophet (s) would have given on number of Sahaaba that finished the Qur’an he would have given to the Prophet (s) one Fatima for each one.
How belief is strong. We say how could it be. But to awliya, prophet’s word cannot be down. If they complete all of them or half of them, Allah would have created sisters of Fatima, pictures of Fatima to have given to them. But only one took that it was Sayyidina `Ali (r).
That is from hars of Prophet (s) Hareesun `alaykum bil-mumineena raufun raheem he is merciful and compassionate to believer. you have to believe like that Qutb. Don’t question a wali. You don’t know how much mistake you are doing when you are doubting and questioning a wali.
Awliyaullah are like red sulfur, rare to be found not everyone say I am wali he is wali. So many say about their shaykh he is wali. It is not so simple. Wali is the one who stepped on his ego.
And has given been innocence from Allah that this one is pure, given an innocence form Prophet (s) that this one is pure and then given by your shaykh.
Awliyaullah are as described in the previous session what Sayyidina Bayazid al-Bistami was saying.
That caring of the Prophet (s) cannot be described and that understanding awliyaullah’s belief when they are entering that ocean of knowledge when they pick up these secrets, as Grandshaykh said don’t leave 3 shahada, 70 istighfaar and Fatiha and Amana ar-Rasula and alam nashrah 7 times and 11 times qul Huwa Allahu ahada. What they gave in it is a secret. Look Sayyidina `Ali (r) was happy resting and reciting took him 10 minute and the Sahaaba on the other hand were reading and reading and reading and not able to finish what they have to read with its rule and Sayyidina `Ali (r) finished with his in 10 minutes. Because in these 10 minutes he was able to decode, with what he read, that is a key to these treasures that he needs to now at that night. Because when the Prophet (s) said read, complete the Holy Qur’an, at that time it was not revealed in toto. So it means whatever has been revealed you must read it with its secrets and its rules, when you reach its boundaries and reach around that then you are entitled to Fatima . If not you aren’t. so who is entitled. Sayyidina `Ali (r) was able to enter that paradise of knowledge, like a key to open and enter. And he was entitled to what? To Fatima . So that means that Fatima (r) is the highest paradise that can be achieved. There is a paradise in heaven called Fatima (r) that is for those who could enter where Sayyidina `Ali (r) entered. Fatima is in that paradise, in that city which is the city of prophet. He was ale to get to the heavenly Fatima as well as worldly Fatima. Sayyida Fatima az-Zahra (r) no one can understand her level. Her paradise can take the whole Ummah. She will not leave one person behind from Ummatan-Nabi (s) behind. With her shafa`a, everyone will go to Paradise . She will not leave anyone behind. Then after that Prophet (s) will dress them. What Prophet (s) has to do hen they enter. He will dress them with what Allah gave them.
So Grandshaykh said that the inhabitants of that Paradise all are Muhammadiyoon. They have the features reflected on them. They have same features of Prophet (s). These are awliyaullah that Allah gave them to him, they are Ummat an-Nabi that Allah gave them to him and they are under his protection. We ask that Allah keep us clean and keep us under that caring of Prophet (s) and to enter the paradise of Sayyida Fatima az-Zahra (r)
Wa min Allah at-tawfiq bi hurmatil Fatiha.