
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Suhbat 08-24-2006


Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytaan ir-rajeem

Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem

Nawaytu'l-arba` een, nawaytu'l-`itikaaf, nawaytu'l-khalwah, nawaytu'l-riyaada, nawaytu's-salook, nawaytu'l-`uzlah lillahi ta`ala fee hadha'l-masjid

We said in the previous session that no one can understand even one of the ascensions of the Prophet. And his ascensions are infinite, you cannot count them. Because in every moment he is ascending double the ascension he ascended before. It is not that in every moment he is ascending a short distance more than before, but he is ascending double in every moment in the next moment will be double of that, the next will be four and the next sixteen and the next will we 16x16 and this is how the Prophet (s) is ascending in every moment double of the first ascension. And awliyaullah cannot even understand the knowledge and the realities that Allah swt is dressing his beloved Muhammad from one ascension to anther ascension. They might take one drop of that ocean and that drop is enough to make everyone drunk.

The greatness that Allah swt gave to Sayyidina Muhammad (s) cannot be described and that is why Allah said in holy Qur’an

Laqad ja`akum rasulun min anfusikum…. Bil mumineena raufun raheem fa in tawallaw, fa qul hasbiyAllahu La ilaha ill-Allah

Allah swt has sent from within you. Laqad ja`akum min anfusikum rasulun min anfusikum – from yourself. It means from everyone’s self there is that connection to the Prophet. If we say Prophet (s) is main source of energy then everyone plugging there. In every house you have electricity energy coming light because the main source is giving. That is why we say this electricity is from that electricity, and that is the same as that. In the house the electricity is the same, coming from same source

That is why we say from within you as from among you. That Allah sent among you a messenger. That is literal meaning. But one of the infinite meanings is that Allah swt has sent a messenger from everyone, from wherever that person has inherited and has a connection to Prophet (s) in a way that Allah knows best. From every self of us there is a connection to Prophet (s). That means every individual has a connection. And the Prophet (s) reaches us thru that trace of the connection to the self to every individual.

Laqad ja`akum rasulun min anfusikum - came from yourself. Not coming from … means he is like a main source of power and everyone is plugging. When someone is so near to you, when someone is plugged to you, you are plugging to prophet, that is why the ummat an-Nabi is still within the hugs of the prophet, between his wings, his arms, under his wings, under his arms, they cannot be out. That is why it came ‘within you’. You are under his influence. When you are under his wings and arms he will be very caring for you, that is why He said Hareesun alaykum. He doesn’t allow a moment for shaytan to pull you out. Ad that is why it came in the previous explanation of this series that Grandshaykh said, that la`an-Allah al kafireen, la`an-Allah al-mushrikeen, la`an-Allah al-munaafiqeen, that curse is coming on these bad characters. When that curse comes on them is it like a washing machine. When clothes come in washing machine what will happen: it will clean them up. So on exposing these chars. in Divine Presence they will be clean up.

That is why he is very caring for you, wa bil mumineena raufun raheem for a group of you, the mumineena… he is caring for us is , because our plug is plugged well, so we become Muslim. And with some people he is raufun raheem what is Rauf?

Gentle. Compassionate. And raheem – merciful.

Not only merciful. Rahman is merciful. Raheem is merciful that forgives you.

It means that when you are under the mercy and you are under the compassion ,it means that wherever the Prophet (s) is ascending you will be with him, you are in that ascension moving. Although you will not understand a drop of that knowledge but the Prophet (s) will not let you to be out of his arms and wings and that is why the whole Ummah is ascending with the Prophet (s) and no one will be left behind. Everyone will be in that Mi’raj. That is why Ummat an-Nabi, when someone dies from Ummat an-Nabi, he sees himself, “O I didn’t do all that. I didn’t worship so much. I never reached that level.” At that moment he understands that he was in ascension with his beloved Prophet (s) Sayyidina Muhammad and he was not left behind. If he was left behind then the Prophet (s) is not Hareesun alaykum. He cannot be caring if one left for Iblees. Allah dressed the Prophet (s) with that attribute of caring he will not leave one to the hand of Iblees. He will bring all his Ummah clean to presence of Allah in every ascension. That is not …uloom al-awwaleen wal akhireen is not something which is describable. You cannot describe it. What Allah gave to Sayyidina Muhammad (s) is beyond description. From that knowledge Grandshaykh said that anyone, he called the Sahaaba and said, anyone who completes the holy Qur’an in that night, Fatima will be his wife - my daughter. So all Sahaaba trying to compete to read the Qur’an from Isha to Fajr to finish it in that time, whatever it was revealed [up to that time]. And you have to read it with its Ahkam, its rules. All Sahaaba stayed all night trying to complete the Qur’an. At Fajr time Prophet (s) asking "did anyone complete the Qur’an?" No one said yes except Sayyidina `Ali (r). They said to him, " Ya `Ali (r) you were sleeping. How you finished? "

Because when they were reading they have to read with its rules, not like our reading, we are reading like a storyteller. They have to read it with its secret. When they are reading it, it means they are entering the ocean of every letter. And awliyaullah can reach from every letter 24,000 oceans of knowledge. When they have to read they have to go and to understand the meaning behind every letter. Not like our readings. Or not even like awliyaullah’s reading. Sahaaba. Sahabat an-Nabi (s), when they read they read with the secret of the light that comes with that letter at that moment. Because the knowledge of every letter is increasing, in ascension, ascending with its meaning. Sahaaba were reading and it is impossible to finish one page with these rules.

Sayyidina `Ali (r) was sleeping all night. They asked him “how you finished?” He said, "Ya sayyidee Ya Rasulullah" - he is the door to the city of knowledge. he knows how to reach that level. You have to have completed a certain level to have been given that knowledge of every letter. That is why awliya give too much attention to the daily awraad that they give to you.

He said "Ya sayyidee Ya Rasulullah what I read was what I took from your heart, 3 shahada 70 x istighfaar, and Fatiha and Amana ar-Rasula and alam nashrah 7 times and 11 times qul Huwa Allahu ahada, 10 La ilaha ill-Allah, and 10 salawat on you and I send it a gift on you. He said “sadaqa `Ali .”

Because 3 recitations of qul Huwa Allahu Ahad is like reading whole Qur’an as Prophet (s) said. So 3 times entering that ocean of that Surah was enough for Sayyidina `Ali (r) to reach quickly what other Sahaaba were not reaching in that time. So he gave him Sayyida Fatima.

One Qutb asked another Qutb. Qutbs discuss between each other.

One said, "if all of them had complete the holy Qur’an, what will the Prophet (s) do?"

The Prophet (s) said if anyone completed the whole Qur’an by Fajr, I will give him Fatima . The other Qutb said to his brother Qutb, if all of them had completed, what would the Prophet (s) have done? The other Qutb was higher in level. See awliyaullah. He said that that Prophet (s) would have given on number of Sahaaba that finished the Qur’an he would have given to the Prophet (s) one Fatima for each one.

How belief is strong. We say how could it be. But to awliya, prophet’s word cannot be down. If they complete all of them or half of them, Allah would have created sisters of Fatima, pictures of Fatima to have given to them. But only one took that it was Sayyidina `Ali (r).

That is from hars of Prophet (s) Hareesun `alaykum bil-mumineena raufun raheem he is merciful and compassionate to believer. you have to believe like that Qutb. Don’t question a wali. You don’t know how much mistake you are doing when you are doubting and questioning a wali.

Awliyaullah are like red sulfur, rare to be found not everyone say I am wali he is wali. So many say about their shaykh he is wali. It is not so simple. Wali is the one who stepped on his ego.

And has given been innocence from Allah that this one is pure, given an innocence form Prophet (s) that this one is pure and then given by your shaykh.

Awliyaullah are as described in the previous session what Sayyidina Bayazid al-Bistami was saying.

That caring of the Prophet (s) cannot be described and that understanding awliyaullah’s belief when they are entering that ocean of knowledge when they pick up these secrets, as Grandshaykh said don’t leave 3 shahada, 70 istighfaar and Fatiha and Amana ar-Rasula and alam nashrah 7 times and 11 times qul Huwa Allahu ahada. What they gave in it is a secret. Look Sayyidina `Ali (r) was happy resting and reciting took him 10 minute and the Sahaaba on the other hand were reading and reading and reading and not able to finish what they have to read with its rule and Sayyidina `Ali (r) finished with his in 10 minutes. Because in these 10 minutes he was able to decode, with what he read, that is a key to these treasures that he needs to now at that night. Because when the Prophet (s) said read, complete the Holy Qur’an, at that time it was not revealed in toto. So it means whatever has been revealed you must read it with its secrets and its rules, when you reach its boundaries and reach around that then you are entitled to Fatima . If not you aren’t. so who is entitled. Sayyidina `Ali (r) was able to enter that paradise of knowledge, like a key to open and enter. And he was entitled to what? To Fatima . So that means that Fatima (r) is the highest paradise that can be achieved. There is a paradise in heaven called Fatima (r) that is for those who could enter where Sayyidina `Ali (r) entered. Fatima is in that paradise, in that city which is the city of prophet. He was ale to get to the heavenly Fatima as well as worldly Fatima. Sayyida Fatima az-Zahra (r) no one can understand her level. Her paradise can take the whole Ummah. She will not leave one person behind from Ummatan-Nabi (s) behind. With her shafa`a, everyone will go to Paradise . She will not leave anyone behind. Then after that Prophet (s) will dress them. What Prophet (s) has to do hen they enter. He will dress them with what Allah gave them.

So Grandshaykh said that the inhabitants of that Paradise all are Muhammadiyoon. They have the features reflected on them. They have same features of Prophet (s). These are awliyaullah that Allah gave them to him, they are Ummat an-Nabi that Allah gave them to him and they are under his protection. We ask that Allah keep us clean and keep us under that caring of Prophet (s) and to enter the paradise of Sayyida Fatima az-Zahra (r)

Wa min Allah at-tawfiq bi hurmatil Fatiha.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Suhbat 08-20-2006

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim - Aug 20th - 2006 - Lefke, Cyprus

Sohbat ba'da Zuhr of Mawlana Sultanul-Awliya' Shaykh
Sayyid Muhammad Nazim 'Adil Al-Haqqani

Note: This is not an exact transcription. This is based on personal notes.

Assalamu 'alaykum!
Assalaam qabla al-Kalaam! [means: Greetings before speech, red.]

If you are asking [something], you must begin, ask to him to say, "Assalamu 'alaykum!" Therefore, they are trying to follow the footsteps of Prophets, may Allah grant us that ability that we can follow these footsteps of Prophets, Saints, and Good people.

And we are saying, "A'uudzu billahi minash shaythanir rajiim". We are asking a shelter from Allah Almighty, our Creator to protect ourselves from shaytan and its
followers, we are saying, "A'uudhu billahi minash shaythanir rajiim".

It is a Holy Order from Heavens that anyone living in this world must live for Allah. You must not live for yourself. Who are you anyway? It is your Lord that firstly granting you to be in existence, and secondly, He is granting you those things that you may be in need of. Yes! We are needy creatures.

Who is that One who never needs anyone? Only Allah Almighty. He is never in need of anyone. How could He be needy to His creatures, while He is creating you [and them] ? How could He need you to help Him?

The Lord of Heavens can not ask! He is Unneedy One!

This is a very simple TA'RIF (description) to make you understanding something.

If He is going to be someone who is in need of someone, then He is not going to be Lord of Creations.

He is giving and granting to you, a FORM, to appear through this world. He is granting to everyone their forms or their identities. You have an identity, and
you can know about yourself. You say, "I am a man, I am not a donkey."

Identity is just granted for everything from their Creator; and for the existence of the universe, they are in need of His favors, If His Almighty favors reaching to you, then you will be in existence. If they are not reaching to you, you are not in existence.

So, first of all, you must know about yourselves.

And you may ask, "Who is bringing to ourselves existence in this world that we are able to see, we are able to move, we are able to understand?"

All of them [i.e. to move, to see, to understand, etc.], each is a grant from Allah Almighty to you. If we are asking to you, "How are we seeing, Dr. Salim?" (If) Dr. Salim saying, "I am looking and seeing through my ears." [Someone else would say] No! Someone may say to you, "You're looking with your eyes. You may be hearing with your ears, but, you may not see with your ears."

Then, I may ask, "Who [among you] are looking with your eyes?" What is your answer, Dr. Salim?

Dr. Salim: "Yes, I am seeing with my eyes and my heart also."

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: "Heart is another organ. Are you seeing with your eyes or ears?"

Dr. Salim: "Through my eyes."

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: "No!"

A dead body also has eyes. If you're saying that you're seeing with your eyes, what about that dead body that his eyes are still OK, can he still be seeing?

Only your Creator, sending His Divinely Light to your eyes, touching, then you may see...!

Another example. Are we seeing through our eyes? And I may say to you, what about dead person, how he may see? Leave it. You are a healthy person. You are OK, and you say that you are seeing through eyes. What about at night time then?

Why are we not seeing in night time? You are OK, alive person; why in night time you are not seeing?

People are ignorant now. Materialistic people, at night time, saying, "Quickly, put the light on, I cannot see."

And people, all of them coming to be materialist, to be on wrong way.

Your material being can't see, can't look, can't hear, can't listen, can't understand.

I am shouting to them, "Why are we not seeing at night time?"
They say, "We need some lights."
Do you think that light is enough to see? Because during day time, body is OK, there is Light.

You must say, "We have been created by Lord, our Creator. He is the Only One that makes us able to see, to look, to hear, to understand, to ask, to move, and to do."

You must not say that you are only a material mask. Statues in museum and our body (are) the same, materials, but they cannot see. Why? Why are you putting yourself the same as those statues in museum? Materialist people are saying that there is no soul,
no spiritual, no spirituality. Why are we making ourselves the same as statues?

They are the most ignorant ones! Only looking away as sheep looking. [Mawlana mimicking the movement of sheep/cow looking around], like cow looking, no understanding. They are making themselves like animals. They are loosing to use the keys for understanding.

You are saying, "I am understanding. ..". I say, "Who are you?"

A donkey knows its identity, but materialist people not knowing their identity card, because they are not using the most valuable sense to think, to understand, and to learn. And they are saying, "Yes, we are reaching top of civilization. "

Materialist people, they are denying to give some power beyond material.

[Mawlana throws a pillow.]
If I am not throwing this, can this material move?

Those people are under the levels of donkeys. Donkeys know their identities. Materialist people don't know their identities. People are drunk, to deny the Holy
Books, to deny (what is) beyond materials.

They are saying, "Big Bang". It is a theory of the beginning of creation. It was an atom. As they say, it's not the same size like the atom as they say it now. It may be such a big atom. It's sleeping and sleeping. And they are saying that suddenly it

[Mawlana throws another the pillow.]

If this cannot move by itself, how could that atom explode by itself and happening this and that [the forming of galaxies, solar systems, stars, etc.], then finish??

Space.... What is space? I am saying about that one atom in a space. Only one? No second one?

Who put it there? In "Space"? And what is the definition of Space? The power that makes it explode, from inside, or outside? What do you think? No answers.
Because their level is under the level of donkeys, no understanding, no thinking.

And whole world people follow their ideas; one after one. Like in black holes, people falling one after one into that darkness....

How (then) can we expect for peace? Because living people (now, have) no understanding. They must be taken away!

May Allah forgive us for the honor of the most honored one in the Divine Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and other Prophets, may Allah bless them, and Saints, to open for us understanding. For the honor of Heavens and ountless
servants for this honor.


Friday, August 18, 2006

Khutbatul Juma 08-18-2006

Khutbatul- Juma, 18th August 2006
Lefke, Cyprus by Mawlana Shaykh Nazim

Times are very dangerous, also between and among nations. They are never accepting Heavenly Orders. Each nation (government) says, "We may also make orders, and you must obey (our) orders." They (the governments) are making nations disobedient towards Heavenly Order.

Now, it's the most dangerous time (among nations).

The whole world is put in such fire. And it is not a common fire that you can extinguish with water.

O people, O Europeans, they are the first in denying the messages that are sent to (humanity). They are the first ones denying the Last Message. And our Muslims also try to be like western people. No value in it.

You must try to be humble servants of your Lord, "O, my Lord, forgive us!"

Say, "O, my Lord, my mistakes are so countless...please forgive me... please send your blessings on me."

Allah will take away from nations that they are cursed people, they are forcing people to be disobedient and agains the role of Lord Almighty.

Now, nations... big ones, strong ones are going to be taken away. Time is coming. No one can expect what is going to happen in the evening, at night, and in the morning

Thursday, August 03, 2006

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Heavenly Natural Medicines
By Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqani
Lefke Cyprus 2006

Taken from http://mevlanasufi.blogspot.com

Natural Medicines

And your Lord inspired the bee saying: Choose your habitation in the mountainsand in the trees and in which they hatch (hives).Feed on all fruits and follow the ways of your Lord made smooth for you. Therecomes forth from their bellies a drink diverse in colours ,wherein is healing for Mankind (The Holy Quran : The Bee :Verse 68-69)


by Mawlana Sheik Nazim

Remedies are After the Forward Below:

This is a short introduction for a new medicine and treatment booklet. People in our days are very much in need of this, because illness are increasing and it is becoming more and more impossible for physicians or scientists to find names, treatments or medicines to cure these illnesses. Simple illnesses have simple medicines, but during the development of mankind and the growing up of disobedience, the illnesses also started to be disobedient against the medicines and could not be cured anymore.

By permission of Allah Almighty a very grave illness can also be defeated by simple medicine but the more mankind became disloyal and disobedient to Divine Laws, the more illnesses were impossible to cure, even the most simple ones. Nowadays you must use so many medicines for curing. Dont believe that those medicines and operations are of any use! If people were obedient servants, Allah Almighty could be able to give health and to take away that illness. As long as people think that medicines will take away illness, the illnesses will never go away.

The heavy pressure of artificial medicines will make them sleepy or even to loose their consciousness Then when the powerful medicine and poison is taken away, the bacteria and microbes awake and begin to rush and to eat the organs because Allah Almighty gives command: "Destroy!". The reason for all of this is disobedience. These people never think that health comes from Allah, they think that health is a result of tablets, pills and operations. That is a big sin.

Once I visited a doctor in Karachi, Pakistan. It was a simple clinic. Over the door was written a Holy Verse from the Holy Quran: If I will be ill, my Lord will give me health.(26:80). That is a big warning and attention for everyone coming to a doctor. It is not correct to say: This doctor doesnt know anything. The cure doesnt come from the doctor and from medicines, but from Allah.
When people left this belief and left paradise, thousands and thousands of illnesses fell over them, even though there are only 360 organs. Some people come to me after having gone to so many doctors. They say, No-one knows how to cure this illness! What I understand is that everyday new illnesses occur which not even professors know anything about. Partly very strange illnesses bconcerning: eyes, ears, tongue, brain, throat, heart, liver, lungs, stomach, kidney, bones, blood, nose.

In our days such a complexity comes out of our bodies. People get ill, feel ill, go to a physician, to laboratories, make x-rays, feel ill, go again and after having made a full check-up the doctors tell them: "There is nothing wrong". "But I am ill" "Everything is alright" "I feel ill". That is another kind of punishment, to feel ill. There is no medicine, but they will get drugs to forget to make some parts of the brain not to function. The physician will feel obliged to give drugs and so, even though the patient is not ill, the doctor will poison him. Millions have this kind of illness. The last thing will be that the doctors say We must cut your head. Then they touch the brain. This is the most difficult operations, no one should accept it. With heart operations it is the same: it isdangerous and hopeless.

To use a knife is always harmful, but nowadays physicians mostly hurry up and cut. That is so difficult and so harmful. Without using a knife, there is a treatment for every illness, a natural medicine. It may take more time, but it has not side effects. We believe that there are many reasons for people to get ill. Some are physical reasons, some spiritual. And so, as believers, we do not accept that every illness only comes from a disease and only has something to do with this life. It is also a heavenly reaction that affects people and makes them ill.

All prophets advised their nations, their believers, their followers, to use charities as a protection against illnesses. It is not only in Islam that we say that charity gives you a shelter against illnesses Every religion has declared through their prophets te importance of giving or doing charity. That is the reason that we are repeating the same orders like all the prophets were giving, including the last prophet, peace be upon him, and upon them. Charities must be done or given first. Before usingany medicine, people must try to cure themselves by doing charity. That is why charity is so important.

When we understand this, treatment is easy for believers. For unbelievers the cure is very difficult. The souls help the believers to be cured, but unbelievers have souls that are against themselves and these will never support them. So the cure of unbelievers will be longer and longer or may be even stay until the last moment of their lives.Believers, however, because their souls support and help them, can quickly be treated and cured. So the most important factor for the treatment and the cure of an illness is to give charity , SADAQA.
It is the most terrible and most dangerous time for living people and for them to be safe against all unknown illnesses. As long as physicians and researchers are searching they will find more illnesses and more medicines and treatments against them. It will be impossible to make a limit. The number of illnesses and the number of treatments existing in our days have reached a climax.

This makes physicians and scientists tired and they are coming to a point of becoming hopeless to be able to prevent the spreading of illnesses or to be able to control them. Therefore we are looking for some main medicine to treat mankind. First treatment of all for every ill person is: they must believe. Unbelief brings endless reasons of illnesses as a punishment. And so, as a first treatment for all mankind: It is the most important thing to believe in the existence of the Lord of the Universes.

Secondly, mankind needs to accept advice. First of all from the Lord of Heavens, secondly from His Prophets and thirdly from the Friends of the Lord. If they not hearing and listening to the Heavenly Advices of Lord Almighty Allah, of His beloved Prophet Seyidina Mohammed, of all prophets and also not accepting advice from the other inheritors of prophets: the holy ones, the friends of Allah, they will suffer and there will be no more cure for them.

Perhaps the treatment will even be a punishment for them. In our days nearly every treatment is through surgery and surgery is not a real treatment. It was not until this century that surgery started to be used in this exaggerated way. Today surgery is the most important treatment for illnesses. Perhaps 99% of the physicians want to use the knife of surgery and nothing else. They want to cut, to sew, to add, to destroy and nothing else! That is not treatment, it is a punishment.

That is why we are saying: everyone must believe in the existence of the Lord of Heavens, must believe in the existence of the Creator of the whole universe and must believe in His Will Power. They must also believe that the treatment of His servants only can come from His Will. Only if He is willing, can treatment come to the people, to ill people. If He does not want, only more punishment will come, not treatment.
For this reason only a small percentage of the people have not had a knife cutting their body. That is one way in which this punishment reaches the whole world from East to West. Illness is a punishment for people living in our days. After getting that punishment, the treatment, which they are asking for is the next punishment, and he result of it is that they will be crippled. In our days every part of the body has been cut and opened and has suffered: head, heart, liver. Every part of the body has been touched by knives.

All this is another punishment; it will not give the patient rest, never! It is not a treatment. With my give authority I am advising all mankind to hear and to listen to the words of the Lord. If they are not listening and obeying, that punishment will just rain on them every day and there will be no treatment and no medicine for them. There will be no happiness and no rest for their bodies or minds or for their hearts. This includes to listen to His beloved messenger Seyidina Mohammed, peace be upon him. Allah Almighty taught him every kind of treatment. Every illness is well known by the Seal of Prophets and he has been given heavenly knowledges concerning medicines and treatments for every kind of illness.

We are advising to use some of these divine treatments, just simple medicines, natural medicines, because our bodies belong to nature and its cure can only come through natural medicines. Every artificial thing that grows in our days is against the nature of mankind. Therefore it must be stopped! Every artificial, synthetic medicine is against the nature of our structure and so it must be stopped. It harms and damages the structure of our bodies. People of the 20 century have lost their patience. Mankind has no morepatience. They are asking for quick treatment, and treatment through natural medicine takes time, but mankind has no patience and ask for their pain and suffering to stop quickly. Therefore they want new artificial strong medicines and it is not important for them if they are damaging their bodies. Their only interest is to stop their pain and suffering quickly.

An important advice for ill people: to be patient enough to use naturalmedicines. These natural medicines have been used through centuries since the beginning of life on earth. Mostly they have been taught to the people through heavenly knowledges, through prophets andmessengers. It has been completed by the Seal of Prophets, Seyidina Mohammed, peace be upon him. Mankind must also try to keep their bodies safe. The way of doing this, is to keep everything away which harms our body. Everything which harms our physical body is mentioned in the heavenly messages, heavenly knowledges, heavenly advices and heavenly treatments. You must keep these rules and stay away from every damaging and harming thing which is written in the Holy Books and is prohibited by the Lord Almighty Allah. As long as you are going against these, you will be punished and have no treatment.

Illnesses never come without a reason: either it is as a punishment to make that person to obey, or it is to demonstrate the treatment for others. And so, who drinks alcohol must be punished. All drinks that harm he body are prohibited and should not be drunk. Anyone who comes against this and says, Oh, just a little bit. will be punished just a little bit. If a person drinks a little bit of poison he will suffer alittle bit. If he takes more, he will suffer more. This is because prohibited things are poison, spiritually and physically.

If anyone smokes, he must be punished. If only a little bit, he must be punished a little bit. If very much, the punishment will be very big. If a person eats pork and that which is prohibited of dead animals, it will harm his body he must be punished.If man and woman make illegal actions: once, twice, three times, something may attack her and him and they will be punished. Until people leave all these things that I am mentioning, they will be punished sooner or later. In the time of Prophet most of the people were ignorant and they were doing everything. Then Islam came, they accepted it and were cleaned by following the Lord's command. And so, if anyone today is doing wrong out of ignorance and then say, I am finishing this and now, my Lord, I am listening and obeying, then the illnesses can be carried away by Divine Will without even using any medicine. That is the treatment for him or for her then, and it is alright. When unbelief, Kufr, is taken away, everything else that is bad is taken away too.

But it must be well known that every prohibited thing brings illnesses, unknown illnesses, As in our days unknown illnesses are coming to us through homosexual people, and there is no medicine, no treatment, because it is against the Holy Command of the Lord of Heavens. If they find some cure, another hopeless illness will come, because the Creator creates so many bacteria and viruses, It is endless.
Therefore the first protection is not to put the body in front of danger. In the same way as someone who puts their hand on an electric wire also will feel the painful reaction. The parents of children born with illnesses are the ones being punished, not the children. If people take care, then they are protected. For these people it is easy to be treated. Simple! Even water, the source of life, gives them treatment and can be medicine.

Allah created cold water and hot water. You may lie in cold water or in hot water on in mud and your body can be like renewed. You may drink some water and it can clean your inside. You may eat grapes and it will be like medicine. You may eat melon and it will give you strength. You may eat wheat and it will give you power. Everything that we are using as a grace or as a favour from Allah Almighty will at the same time be power and medicine for us. In that way, there is no need to look for other medicines because of he Lord of Heavens, the Lord of the children of Adam, created everything and gave a treatment for everything.

Life power is in every food and likewise every food is a medicine. The only condition is to say, In the name of Allah Who created this for his servants wealth and health; when eating or drinking. Use everything in His Name and it will be medicine andtreatment for you. That is the only purpose for which the Lord created it. Not to be avoided by His servants. When you are going to important physicians or specialists who then say, Dont eat this, dont touch that, dont use that. That is not a treatment, it is a punishment because you were not using it in the name of the Lord that created it. And so Allah prevents you and as a punishment the doctors will tell you: Dont eatsugar, dont eat fruits, dont eat meat, dont touch butter, and dont touch honey.
Mankind must learn to come and declare their humbleness towards the Lord of Heavens. As long as they are not doing that, as long as they are not declaring their servant hood, they will be punished and nothing will give them any treatment or health even if they kill the whole world with medicines. The whole world can be filled with doctors and medicines and specialists and still it will be impossible to give mankind any health or rest or peace or satisfaction or take away their suffering and miseries. This must be wellknown.

I am speaking to all mankind so that they may be warned by Heavenly Warnings. Everything that has been declared in this small booklet has been said with this condition. I hope for endless blessings by the Lord of Heavens for it to be useful for mankind. May Allah bless us and accept our excuse and grant us from His endless blessings so that we may believer and be good servants.

For the successful use of the medicines in this book there are 3 conditions:
1. The acceptance of one Creator2. No drinking of alcohol3. No smoking of tobacco

ANAEMIA:Eat carrots coked with raisins and sugar. Every morning and evening for 40 days.

ANGINA:Rub vinegar on neck and head in the morning and in the evening. Keep warm: wear woolen socks and woolen cap.

APPENDICITIS:Grind barley and boil with milk. Put it on the appendix area of the body once or twice while still hot. Leave it there the whole day and the whole night.Drink milk boiled with 5 cloves (ground) and mixed with honey, while still hot. Morning, noon and evening one cup.

ARTHRITIS:Boil sheet-trotters with plenty of water until it turns to jelly. Take some spoonfuls every morning before eating or drinking anything else.Repeat 40 days.

ASTHMA:Take a handful of linseeds, ground them and boil with a Turkish tea glass filled with milk. Put the mixture on a cloth and cover in front from neck to belly and in the back from neck to waist. Cover with wool and keep overnight. Repeat 3, 5 or 7 nights. And/or Take a raddish, mash it and mix one spoonful of it with one spoon of honey. Repeat once in the morning and once in the evening for 15 days.

BEDWETTING:Take a big spoon of soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) mixed with sugar before going to bed.

BEE-STING:Put vinegar with a piece of cotton wool on the sting.

BLADDER+ KIDNEY INFECTION:Take 5 kilos of cucumber. Peel it. Take the skin and put it with 3 bunches of parsley into a pot with twice as much water. Let it boil. When half of the water is boiled off, sieve it and put the juice into the fridge. Drink one Turkish tea glass full every morning, noon and evening until the infection is gone.

BLOOD-TRANSFUSION:Instead of doing a blood-transfusion clean your blood by drinking a soup of: bones-marrow with black pepper, ginger, cinnamon and cloves.

BLOOD-LOSS:Patience! Your body produces new blood by itself. Within 40 days the lost blood will be reproduced. Drink the same soup as in ?Blood-transfusion? and also sheep milk with honey.

BRAIN-CONCUSSION:Dont move and dont touch it! Pay sadaqa. Eat 21 raisins with seeds every morning. Every morning, noon and evening drink milk with honey, cold or warm. Never allow to have an operation done.

BURN:Put cold water and then olive-oil on the burn.

CAESARIAN:I dont believe that there are babies that don?t come out. The only problem is that we are impatient. The One Who has planted the foetus in the womb of the mother must also bring it out. But we are not patient people. Another reason for caesarians to be done a lot is that people any more for a caesarian than for a normal birth. I dont believe that the doctors are doing it for the best of the mothers. I dont believe that they are doing a good and a right thing. Even last week I was saying, concerning my daughter-in-law, Dont do it, let her bring the baby! Their gynecologist said, Everything is normal. But it is the first baby, so may be the labour pains will lastuntil tonight. Go to your home to rest and come back in the afternoon! The mistake was, that Istanbul is too big a city to go and come like that, so in the afternoon when the pain increased, she had to be taken to another hospital that was nearer.
In the private ward two other gynecologists had a look at her and said, Oh, this is too much pain for her, her hands are already blue, which means it is dangerous. And the baby is upside down. The feet are at the bottom What can we do. The doctor-in-charge answered, If it is the wrong way around, you must do a caesarian. And even though my daughter-in-law shouted that she didnt want that, they did it.
The first doctor that she had visited in the morning, said afterwards to me that everything had been alright and normal. Also that the head was lying take it should, not like the other doctors had said. This doctor who confirmed that everything had been normal all along was the one who had been examining her all the months of pregnancy, so he should know. So I dont believer doctors when it comes to deciding when to make a caesarian. They take money and cut. And their patients, who dont know what is going on, how are they to decide whether it is dangerousfor the mother, or not? I dont accept it.

CANCER:Crush onion and drink egg-cut full of its juice every morning and evening. In the morning before eating or drinking anything else. Repeat for 40 days.

CANCER IN THE THYROID GLANK:Repeat for 40 days: Every morning before eating or drinking anything else: Drink glass (Turkish tea-glass) full of the squeezed juice of an onion.

CHILDREN WHO DONT GROW:Pay sadaqa! Give them marrow-soup to eat and sheep milk to drink.

CHOLERA:Dont eat or drink anything! Take Epson-salt to clean yourself inside. Then drink a small cup of kerosene in the morning. No food during one day and if possible also no drinking. If necessary, then drink the water of cooked unwashed rice.

CHOLESTROL:The main reason for cholesterol is drinking wine. Wine collects the cholesterol in the blood like a magnet pulls iron together. Eat with every meal a salad with onion and vinegar.

CUMPULSIVE-WASHING:A full body wash is enough 2 times a day. If more than that, then: Put your arms up to your elbows into a dustbin. Then cover face and head with the dirt of the dustbin. Leave it on the body for 10 minutes, then wash.

CONSTIPATION:Boil 3-5 figs in water. Drink the water and eat the figs before going to sleep.

COUGH / BRONCHITIS:Before going to sleep at night: heat 3 table-spoons of olive-oil drench a big piece of cotton-wool with the hot olive-oil wrap it up in newspaper put it on the chest while still hot cover with a woolen sweater and leave until morning. Repeat 10 nights: Also drink one cup four times a day of water and honey boiled with: Cloves, Cinnamon, black pepper, ginger, or / and Boil one big spoon of corn flour with a cup of milk. Add sugar or honey and drink hot before sleeping. Cover your head preferably with wool.

CROSS-EYEDNESS:Crush 3 cloves of garlic and mix with a spoon of honey. Eat every morning before eating or drinking anything else. Repeat for 40 days. If not gone, repeat for another 40 days.

DEAFNESS DUE TO DIRT IN THE EARS:Put hot olive-oil in a syringe and put 3 drops into each ear. After 2 minutes clean with cotton wool.

DEPRESSION:Visit hospitals, mental-houses and prisons regularly and your own depression will run away quickly.

DIABETES:Drink tea made out of goose-grass (gallium aparine) several times a day.

DIARRHOEA:Take one big spoon of finely ground coffee and mix it with lemon-juice. Once swallowed may be followed by a glass of water. No drinking or eating for several hours.

DRUG ABUSE:(like alcohol, tobacco, heroin, cocaine.) Condition is that the drug-abuser wants to stop and uses will-power to do so. Take a bottle of water. Pray the first sura of the Holy Quran:Fatiha 40 times. After each Fatiha blow into the bottle of water. Everytime when you feel an urge to use a drug, take a sip of the water instead.

EAR-ACHE:Take small spoon of black seeds (Nigella Sativa) and fry them and smash them. Then add olive oil, heat it and put 7 drops with a syringe into the ear every morning and evening until better.

EPILEPSY:There are 2 main groups of epileptics: Possessed by jinns. Dysfunction of the brain. If the attack is caused by jinns, it is useful to put a piece of iron on the back of the neck until the attack is over. Any iron may do: knife, spoon. They should always wear a tawis covered in leather. Any Sura (verse from the Holy Quran) may be recited on them. This is sometimes caused by babies falling on their heads and it then can happen that they bleed in the head and this blood clotted and damages the rest of the brain. These patients should be shaved on top of their head and cupped. Only the clotted blood should be taken, not the clean. Repeat 3 times. Then take cow-gall on a feather and put it on the same place. Mix butter and black seeds (nigella sativa), thick and put on top. Tie the head for 3 days changing the head-band every 24 hours and putting new mixture on it. One treatment enough, insha Allah.

FARSIGHTEDNESS:Crush 1 big or 3 small cloves of garlic and mix with honey (one teaspoon) and eat every morning before eating or drinking anything else. Pay sadaqa 40 days.

FEAR:This belongs to your spiritual life If you are non-believe you must start to believe, because no-one will give you peace except Allah. If you are a believer you have no reason to fear if you never harmed any-body. If you did, or if you did a disliked action, you must stop it because the harm will come back as a boomerang to you. If you insist on being rebellious, your fear will stay.

FIRST AID:Tie the wounds so as to avoid blood-loss. Keep warm. Give fresh lemon juice or ayran (sour milk) to drink.

GALLSTONES:Drink a Turkish coffee-cup full of raddish juice every evening and morning. Continue treatment for 15 -40 days.

GIVING WIND:Drink tea of aniseed every morning, noon and evening.

HAIR-LOSS:When washing your hair don?t use other shampoos, only olive-oil soap or laurel soap. After wash rub scalp with olive-oil. For women: when in public try to cover head to avoid evil-eye.

HAY-FEVER:Every morning and evening: Put 3 drops of olive-oil into each nostril, Cover your head all times!

HEAD-ACHE:There are so many reasons for head-aches. It is important to find out why. Sometimes another illness in the body causes it. If that is not the case, then the reason is the nervous system in the neck hurting. massage head and neck put a piece of material drenched in vinegar around your head. cover your head boil 15 big brown beans, drink the water and eat the beans.

PREVENTING A HEART-ATTACK:A heart-attack is also a punishment for using our bodies without taking any care. The most harmful thing for the veins is smoking. Your veinsnever forgive you for smoking, so: Stop smoking. Eat as much quinces as possible: marmalade, salad, tea of thebuds(prepared in any you like) Dont worry!

HEART PROBLEMS IN GENERAL:Put a medium sized onion in a tin filled with hot ashes and heat on fire until the onion is roasted. Eat first thing in the morning. 40 days. Also a healing method for cleaning up the body after mahy years of smoking.

HEART-BURN:Every morning drink the juice of 2 turunges (wild oranges). If not available, then grapefruit juice.

HEMORRHOIDS:Chew 10-12 juniper-berries first thing in the mornig without having eaten or drunk anything else. Then drink a glass of water. If you don?t have any teeth, then crush berries before taking.Repeat for 15 days.

HERPES:Drink every morning for 10 days a glass of turunge (wild orange) or grapefruit-juice.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE:(White cells in the old blood die all the time. The kidney cleans this. Sometimes when going into the veins, the blood clots) Have your shoulders and head cupped 2 times a year, preferably in spring and in autumn when it is not too hot or too cold.

WEAK IMMUNE SYSTEM:Eat 21 raisins with seeds every morning and plenty of almonds.

INSOMNIA:Never sleep between noon and sunset! Dont drink coffee or tea after sunset! Any time after sunset when you feel sleepy go to sleep at once. Respect your sleepy-ness, don?t fight it. After 40 days of taking these precautions your sleeping problem will besolved.Insha Allah.

ISCHIATITIS:Heat salt and make 10 minutes massage. Then 10 minutes massage with olive-oil. Tie upper part of the body tightly with wool. Once daily before sleeping.

KIDNEY-STONES:Take a whole thyme-plant with the roots. Remove the leaves, wash it. Put it into a boiling pot of water and take it off the fire. Leave the plant inside for one day. On the second day drink one glassful in the morning, at noon and in the evening. Continue treatment until the kidney feels at rest.

LIVER+GALL STONES:Take a raw egg complete with shell. Wash it, put it in a cup filled with pure lemon juice and cover the cup. Leave overnight. In the morning the hard shell will be melted. Take the egg with the thin remaining skin carefully out of the cup and use it elsewhere. Drink the mixture of lemon juice and melted egg skin one or two days in a row without eating anything else.

LOW BLOOD PRESSURE:Before eating or drinking anything else take 21 raisins in the morning. Better are raisins with seeds. 40 days.

MALARIA:Take a big spoon of fluid quinine every day and cover the head with a cloth drenched in vinegar.

MASSAGE:When giving body-massages, heat crystal salt first, wrap into a piece of material and give the massage with it.

MEASLES:Three times daily eat a big spoon of carob syrup. If not available, then apple-syrup. Best to only eat this during the illness.

MENISCUS:Give massage of knee every morning and evening with a mixture of olive-oil and petroleum. Then cover with unwashed wool.7 days.

MORBUS CHRON/CHOLITIS ULCEROSA CHRON:Roast, crush and mix 20-25 acorns and mix with one glass of honey. Take one table-spoonful every morning before eating or drinking anything else. ?-1 hour later, mix stinging nettles (cooked like spinach) with cooked wheat, white beans and corn. Add sugar or salt, as you like. Take a big spoon of olive-oil one hour before lunch. For 7 days dont eat any meat, no butter, only vegetarian oil, best olive-oil. Better to eat only dry things.

MOUTH INFECTION VIRUS:Fry 2 tea spoons of black seeds (nigella sativa). Then smash them and leave them in the mouth for 10-15 minutes. Repeat many times a day.

MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY:Make a soup out of marrow and eat of it every morning, noon and evening. Eat as many raisins as possible. Crush and fry black seeds (Nigella Sativa) and mix with natural honey and take a spoonful every morning, noon and evening.Pay sadaqa.

MUMPS:Eat a big spoon of carob syrup every morning, noon and evening. rub the infected area several times a day with olive-oil.

NAIL-BITING:Put fingertips in hot pepper.

NEURODERMITIS:Drink a table spoon of non-refined olive-oil every morning. Take a bath every day. Afterwards rub your whole body first with lemon and then with olive oil.Continue treatment until illness disappears.

NOSE-BLEEDING:Take the hard skin of almonds, roast in oven and crush to fine powder. Sniff!

OVERWEIGHT:Every morning before eating or drinking anything else eat a salad with plenty of vinegar. One hour later eat and be careful not to mix carbohydrates withproteins. Best is just to eat of one kind. During the rest of the day, eat what you want. Continue this diet for 40 days.

PARALYSIS:Pay sadaqa Give 3 times daily-morning, noon and evening a massage of 10-20 minutes with olive-oil. Crush black seeds (Nigella sativa) and boil with water. Then mix with honey and drink as tea in the morning, noon and evening.

PARODONTOSE:(teeth growing longer, severe gum-infection) Brush your gum several times a day with a miswag until it bleeds. Continue this treatment for three days.

PELVIS-PAIN:Heat olive-oil and massage.

PIMPLES:Often a sign of maturity and urgency of getting married. Give massage of 5 minutes with olive-oil and leave overnight. Or Put a leech on each pimple and leave until sucked full when it will fall off by itself.

PREGNANCY & ULTRASOUND:When a woman is pregnant, it is not even advisable for her to go to a doctor. No-one?s had should reach the foetus. It is so wrong and it is against the Divine Rules. When Allah Almighty begins to create and to complete the foetus, angels are working on it. They never want doctors to look at what is inside. They want it to be left as a trust. So don?t go. It is the most wrong thing to do to go to doctors every month. Nowadays most doctors are business-men and make everything as a business. No need for that! When it is clear that a woman is pregnant, don?t touch her there, dont go every month to a control. In the old days we never had a control. No one! Only when the pains of birth came, we called a mid-wife who then said, Bismillah, irahman,irahim. Oh, my Lord, let your servant come!? That was all.I am against every control that the doctors are doing, and the ultra-sound is the most dangerous thing to do for the foetus. It cannot be accepted that the foetus does not get disturbed. No-one should disturb the foetus in its place. No! Therefore the children born, on whose foetus ultrasound was used, very often have some defects: the ultrasound that went through the eyes can make them blind, or through the ears make them deaf, or through the voice make them dumb Altogether ultrasound is useless. Even for cancer. The doctors do not know how to find a medicine to cure cancer, so they are doing the ultra-sound for nothing. It is only good for them so that they can take more money. It is not a cure. Therefore, I am against ultrasound in general

PSORIASIS:Rub your skin two times daily first with lemon and then with olive-oil.

RHEUMATISM:Mix the excrement of bees with yoghurt-whey until it is creamy. Then rub onto rheumatic place and cover with pure wool.

RUNNING NOSE:Boil eucalyptus leaves in water and inhale several times a day.

SHOCK:Drink hot milk.

SCHIZOPHRENICS:Should always wear a tawihs and someone powerful should recite prayers (suras out of the Holy Quran) for 40 days.

SCORPION-BITEPut salt and saliva on the bite.

SEA-SICKNES:Dont eat! Lie down. Sniff an onion.

SHORT-SIGHTEDNES:Every morning before eating or drinking anything else:Eat 3 crushed cloves of garlic mixed with a spoon of honey. Repeat for 40 days.

SKIN-CANCER:Rub skin with cotton drenched in vinegar until it turns red. Particularly at night before sleeping. Leave overnight. Try to go as little as possible into the sun. If it should be necessary, then cover your skin completely. Take special care of also covering your face.

SMOKERS LEG:Every morning before eating or drinking anything else drink a full cup of crushed union juice. Repeat until it feels better. Mix olive-oil and paraffin and give the part of the leg a strong massage for about 15 min. Eat every morning, noon and evening: A salad with apple or grape, vinegar and oil.

SNAKE-BITE:Suck it out and tie something firmly around it. Then put lemon or vinegar on top or put it in salty water until the pain goes.

SORE THROAT/BEGINNING OF A COLD:Every morning, noon and evening: Take some hot water, squeeze lemon juice inside and gargle. Drink several times a day: Boiling water where you first squeeze in some lemon juice then also add the lemon skin and some honey.

SPRAINED ANKLE:Chop an onion and place the small pieces on the sprained area. Tie a piece of material around it firmly and leave it there for several hours. In severe cases repeat many times until the swelling is gone.

STAMMERING:Take the eggshell of a swallow and use as a cup. Drink water in it several times a day, saying, Bismillah, irhman, irahim? every time.

STERILITY/INFERTILITY:Take 4 kg of dates and put them in a pot. Put twice as much water and let this boil until half is boiled off. Wait until cooled down. Squeeze through a piece of cloth and add to this juice 0.33 liters of carob-juice. Keep in fridge. Drink one Turkish tea glass full every morning and evening
STOMECH PAIN:Drink peppermint-tea. If hungry, then drink the water of boiled rice. Or/and:Roast black seeds (Nigelle Sativa) Without any oil then mix with honey. Take a big spoon of olive-oil and drink.

SUNSTROKE:Wash head and body with cold water.

GASHING AND BITING OF TEETH:(especially during sleep) Bite on a carob!

TORN MUSCLE:For 4 days move the joint as little as possible. Give a strong massage with olive-oil 3 times a day, each massage for 10-15 minutes. Wrap the joint with an elastic bandage.

STIFFNESS OF FINGERS WHEN WAKING UP:This is a sign of weak nerves, so: Every morning before eating or drinking anything else, eat 21 raisins (preferably with seeds). In the night before going to sleep rub your fingers in olive oil.

VAROCOSE VEINS:Dont cut them, dont have an operation done! Give a strong massage with olive-oil on them and the area surrounding for 10-15 minutes. Repeat every night for 40 nights. Pay sadaqa.

VAGINAL PARASITE:1 spoon honey mixed with spoon melted butter. Eat while still hot every morning before drinking or eating anything else. 40 days.

WATER IN THE LEGS:Put a leech on outer and inner ankle and leave them there until they fall off by themselves.

WARTS:Have someone spiritually powerful recite on them pay sadaqa.

WEAK MEMORY:Eat 21 raisins with seeds every morning and say Bismillah, irahman irahim! with each one.

YELLOW FEVER:Squeeze lemons and mix with honey. Drink as a cold drink every morning, noon and evening as much as possible. Pay sadaqa! Eat rice with lemon. Cover head and stomach with clothes drenched in vinegar.

COMMENTS/CLARIFICATIONS:Bismillah, irahman, irahim (transcribed Arabic)In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Compassionate. The formula with which every deed should start. Miswag: A 4-6 inch long piece of wood, often a twig of the aracktree, or liquiorice-root which is used to clean teeth. Sadaqa: Charity, either as a donation or as a good deed.

Tawis: A blessed amulette consisting of the 99 Holy Names of Allah, serving as a Protection. Turkish teaglsss/turkish coffeecup: 0.3 cups,0.775 pints,60 cl.

Wa min Allah at Tawfiq

wassalam, arief hamdani

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Acquiring Good Energy, Repelling Bad Energy through Muraqabah

By: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

Audhu billāh min ash-shaytān ir-rajīm

Bismillāh ir-rahmān ir-rahīm

Nawaytul arbā`īn, nawaytul ‘itikāf, nawaytul khalwat, nawaytul riyāda, nawaytus salūk, nawaytul `uzla fī hādha al-masjid

Ati-Allāha wa ati`ur-Rasūla wa ulil-amri minkum” – “O ye who believe! Obey Allāh, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you. [Surat an-Nisa, 4:59]

This is our message for every association: that we must be obedient to Allah (swt) and to his Messenger (s) and to His sincere servants who guide us to the right way. The right way is the way that all people seek. The right way is the way that all people hope for. The right way is the way that all people desire for themselves. The right way is the way that leads us directly to the Presence of the Divine. Any distraction from the right way will lead us to other than the right way and will not conclude in the Divine Presence. Any path other than the right way, rather, is likely to drive one towards a state wherein he or she is spiritually lost.

Allah (swt) sent His messengers and He sent the Seal of Messengers (s) to show us how to establish ourselves on the right way and how we can thus heal all the pain and sadness that may occur in our lives. Pain, sadness and difficulty are important in that they serve to guide us. They propel one towards safety and so direct you back to the way and state that Allah (s) wants you to be in. When one is in a difficulty, he or she remembers and becomes conscious of Allah (swt). When one is in pain, he or she remembers Allah (swt). When one is in sadness he or she remembers Allah (swt). When one is sick he or she remembers Allah
(swt). When one is in any state of loneliness or depression, he or she remembers Allah (swt). When one longs for someone that he or she cares for, one remembers Allah (swt).

And so Awliyaullah reached high levels of spiritual enlightenment: because they were always longing to reach Allah (swt). They were always in pain seeking to reach their Creator, always heartbroken in being unable to reach the door of Sayyidina Muhammad (s). An overwhelming energy pours out from the heart when such a situation exists, and that guides one to the reality of the love of the Shaykh (q) and the love of the Prophet (s) and the love of Allah (swt). If only others could see how much Awliyaullah suffer because of their intense and immense love for Sayyidina Muhammad (s) and wanting and needing to reach his door that they may reach the door of Allah (swt)!

Allah (swt) said in the Qur’an:

وَلَوْ أَنَّهُمْ إِذ ظَّلَمُواْ
أَنفُسَهُمْ جَآؤُوكَ
فَاسْتَغْفَرُواْ اللّهَ
وَاسْتَغْفَرَ لَهُمُ الرَّسُولُ
لَوَجَدُواْ اللّهَ تَوَّابًا

wa law annahum idh dhalamu anfusahum jaa’uka fastaghfaru Allaha wastaghfara lahumu arrasoolu la-wajadullaha tawwaaban raheema.

If they had only, when they were unjust to themselves, come unto thee and asked Allah (swt)’s forgiveness, and the Messenger (s) had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah indeed Oft-returning, Most Merciful. [Surat an-Nisa, 4:64].

When one is an oppressor to himself, when he is in a situation that makes him to remember love of the Prophet (s), he must come to the Presence of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) as did the Sahaba saying, “Ya Rasulullah!,” seeking forgiveness, for this means is a condition established by Allah (swt). “Wa staghfara lahum ar-Rasul - The Prophet seeks forgiveness on their behalf.” Thus they were guided to reach the Divine Presence, which they were dearly longing for.

O believers! Spirituality and spiritual practices are very important in your lives. Spirituality, the path of ihsaan and tazkiyyat an-nafs, is the way that leads a Muslim and a dedicated person to reach the Divine Presence that his soul seeks and longs for. Allah (swt) is like the source of the light of the Sun which is always giving continuous energy and after millions of years it is still exploding and even increasing in energy and intensity. Allahu akbar! How that can be?!

Even an atomic nuclear reaction does not continue forever. Although a nuclear reaction will explode and devastate a large area, yet it will stop. After perhaps one or two hours of reaction and its process is finished. And what purpose does such a reaction of energy serve? It kills people. In a sense, this energy is similar to the energy of the Sun – they are both a source of energy. Yet the energy of something that we explode to kill people will end, as every evil must end. However, the exploding reaction that produces the energy of the sun never ends. And this energy does not kill people. To the contrary, it rejuvenates people and gives them health. And it never ends. Everything in dunya has an end. Masha’llah, the Sun is still glowing and exploding and giving energy, and that energy is vital for human beings and for the maintenance of the entire galaxy in which we are living.

What are these two energies? One explodes on earth and kills people. Yet the one from the Sun enlivens and rejuvenates people. The one on earth ends. The one in the heavens never ends. This means there are two kinds of energy. One is heavenly energy, and it never ends. The evil energy is here in dunya and it is destructive, yet it will end.

People complain that they are not achieving illumination in they lives. They feel themselves distracted and misdirected. They are losing confidence and hope in themselves. In such cases one must look closely and examine what is really going on. There are people that confess that they are losing faith, yet they want their belief back. Those are good and sincere people. Always our faith is being tested for Shaytan is after us seeking to destroy us, and we are always failing.

There are others who do not believe in spirituality and they consequently find that worship has no taste or sweetness, but rather experience it as sour. They are no more longing for Prophet (s) or for Awliya. They long only for dunya and for evil. What has happened is that evil energy has been built up in their bodies and within their systems.

Negative and polluted energy is broadcast from all kinds of people. We must know that we are beings of energy – we produce energy and we receive energy. Negative energy is produced from evil beings and from the worst kinds of devils. They produce that evil energy and it becomes like a shield around a human being. To understand this concept, one may look at the example of the space shuttle which is launched into space. It is built so that it can be protected from the high intensity of the energy of its ascent, that it may withstand the intense pressure of the upper atmosphere and not be engulfed by fire that will cause it to be destroyed. Similarly, airplanes if not made of specific kinds of metals designed to protect their hull and to maintain internal stability and pressure, will fail and their passengers will die. The shuttle when in decent passes through a phase where the heat is so intense that even a single tile missing in the wing, for example, is sufficient to permit unlawful entry of energy into its system immediately causing a cataclysmic failure. And so scientists must build that shuttle to withstand the intensity of such energy, that its structure may resist
and not be set ablaze.

This example is not unlike what we have been doing as human beings. Many of us have built around ourselves a shield of evil energy beginning in earliest childhood, and that is what we call the nafs at-tifl al-madhmoomah. It has grown up within us through childishness and the nurturing of bad characteristics, strengthening in us all manner of arrogance and pride, causing us to lie, cheat and deceive, and worst of all to forget the Prophet (s) and to forget Allah (swt)
and to forget the Awliya. Like the space shuttle, this layer of negative energy does not let good energy to penetrate. And this is why people are losing their faith and their confidence. The fact that they are stepping forward and admitting it, however, is good and shows sincerity.

A sick person who has a kidney failure requires dialysis to purify his blood. A doctor will insert a tube in his arm through which the dialysis machine will begin to cleanse and purify the body. So when one admits that he is losing faith and losing himself and losing confidence and so is not able to make muraqabah or meditation, the Shaykh will make such a tube for him that will allow the good energy to penetrate that shield of acquired darkness. That shield is but a shield built by Shaytaan and the ego. The Awliya insert a small tube and permit that positive energy which is coming from the Sun of the Divine Presence to enter one’s system slowly destroys the bad energy that is around and within oneself.

أَأَنتُمْ تَزْرَعُونَهُ أَمْ نَحْنُ

Allah (swt) said, a antum tazra`oonahu am nahnu az-zaari`oon.

Is it you who cause it to grow - or are We the cause of its growth?
Surah 56 al-Waaqi`ah, 64. Allah (swt) said in verse 62:

وَلَقَدْ عَلِمْتُمُ النَّشْأَةَ
الْأُولَى فَلَوْلَا تَذكَّرُونَ

“and indeed you have already known the first form of creation (that is the form of Adam). Why then do you not then take heed?” [56:62]

This verse teaches that Allah (swt) has created mankind perfect, without any pollution and clean. Do you recall?

أَفَرَأَيْتُم مَّا تَحْرُثُونَ

“Then tell me about the seed that you sow in the ground.”

Now understand the seed that you have grown in your body. What kind of seed have you planted there? Is it rooted in good energy or in polluted energy? If the tree that grows within you is based in polluted energy, then know that you are in error. Allah (swt) said, “Is it you who cause it to grow or is it We who are the growers?” When you planted, you took a decision based on your niyyat, your intention. If your intention was good and sincere, you will receive good energy. If your intention was bad, you will bear the fruit of bad energy.

لَوْ نَشَاء لَجَعَلْنَاهُ حُطَامًا
فَظَلَلْتُمْ تَفَكَّهُونَ

“Is it ye that cause it to grow, or are We the Cause? Were it Our Will, We could crumble it to dry powder.’ [56: 64-65]

If you insist on establishing that shield and maintaining it, you are going to be dry and you are going to be regretful. You will then witness nothing through your heart. You will be afflicted with a dark heart. But if allow that shield to be destroyed by good energy that comes through a heavenly channel, you will reach happiness and bliss. Each person has a channel. Each human being has his own particular channel that Allah (swt) bestowed upon him. The channel that you have been granted is for you and not for anyone else. And the only one that
can heal you and guide you through your channel is the doctor authorized to put the dialysis machine into your system. He or one of those assistant doctors that administer the serum every few hours and keep you connected.

That doctor represents your spiritual Guide. He has must administer the tube for you. If he is not present, then one cannot break a hole in that shield of dark energy. That doctor must locate the weak spot and drill through that to insert the tube and then he may begin to administer the serum. After a few days the patient will stand, no longer sick.

Awliyaullah open that tube and make you receive that energy that is heavenly energy. What is that heavenly energy and how can it change our lives and how can we get and achieve it? This we will leave for another association. But I will say that the only way you can receive that energy is through muraqabah. Like a magnifying glass, muraqabah intensifies and concentrates the energy of the Sun that through that energy, through muraqabah, you may destroy that shield that Shaytan has established around you. Muraqabah is a magnifier – it intensifies the energy of the good energy and to overcome the bad energy and destroy it.

Next time we will explain that and the technical ways to understand that energy. What is that energy? People speak of energy and give it different meanings. They say it is electric fields, electromagnetic fields, different wavelengths, etc. What is the origin of that energy and how does it operate through Awliyaullah?

[during the Dhikr Shaykh begins to speak again, crying]

If the love Awliya have for the Prophet was to be revealed it would burn. When that love comes, they cannot control themselves, tears come. They cannot control themselves.

How much awliya were longing, to be in the presence of the Prophet, in dunya and akhira, addressing and seeing him and speaking with him, face to face with no veil. That can stop them from being given that blessing that Allah (swt) gave to Sayyidina Muhammad (s).

[crying heavily while speaking]

O Muslims, believers, that love to the Prophet is beyond description! That what that kind of energy that can burn every other energy, can overcome every kind of energy, that makes tears in the eyes, that one tear can bring fire down. That energy that Sayyidina Muhammad (s) when you come in his presence and he dresses you with that beauty dress that Allah (swt) gave him that energy can break through all the polluted energy, that can make muraqabah with the Prophet with no veils. That is the experience of shaykhs through their seclusion that is their experience in their life. That is why they addressed the Prophet through all kinds of praising from a burning heart. That comes from the emotions of a burning heart. These tears were turned into ink, their hairs were turned into pens to write, all kinds of praises, all kinds of beauty, all kinds of blessings and manifestations, all kinds of revelations that Allah (swt) had thrown in their hearts, using the ink of their tears, to write through every hair of their body, through every capillary in their hearts and veins, all them writing Muhammadun Habibullah, Muhammadun Rasulullah, Muhammadun Khalilullah, Muhammadun Naji’ullah. May Allah (swt) dress us with that; may Allah (swt) bless us with that; may Allah (swt) give us what He likes and keep that connection through our shuyukh to Sayyidina Muhammad (s) to enable us to be at his door, asking: ji’naaka ya Sayyidina ya rasulullah ji’na li baabik bil `ajza, fa laa tukhayibna `inda rabbina, washf`a lana `inda ’l-mawla al-`adheem, ya ni`ma ar-rasul. Allahuma salli wa sallim wa baarik `alayk ya Sayyidina rasulullah. Ya sayyidee ya rasulullah ya shafi` al-mudhnibeen, ya sayyidee ya rasulullah shf`a lana `inda ’l-mawla al-`adheem. Allahuma ija`lna min `ibadidak at-tahireen alladheena laa khawfan `alayhim wa laa hum yahzanoon. Qul ya `ibadee alladheena asrafoo `ala anfusihim laa taqnatoo min rahmatillah. Inn-Allah yaghfir adhdhunooba jami`an. Albisna bi sirr hadhihi al-ayat.

Rabbana taqabal minna bi hurmatil-Fatiha.