
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Manners of Guest

Excerpt from Mercy Oceans, page 98-99...

"When I first met our Grandshaykh," Shaykh Nazim replied, "I was also very strict, very particular, about my food. But he told me, 'It is not good manners to be like that. When you are a guest, you must not ask, 'Is this food clean?' No! You must give your host the benefit of the doubt. When you know that the food is pork, don't eat it, but say instead, 'I am a vegetarian,' or something like this. You must have good manners towards everybody. If you are in doubt as to whether meat (assuming that it is not pork) is halal or not, you may say, three times, 'Shahada,' and, seventy times, 'astaghfirullah. ' Then, as you eat, and you say, 'Bismillah,' Allah Almighty will make that food clean for you, in the time it takes for you to raise it from your plate and put it in your mouth!

"When you are buying meat and you think that it has come in contact with pork, or utensils that have been used to handle and prepare pork, you may wash it, and repeat the formula we just said. If you can obtain Halal (or Kosher) meat, of course it is best. But, when you are somebody's guest, don't ask! Even if it is known to you that they usually cook with lard, you must assume that, this time, for you, they cleaned their pots and pans and didn't use it. Only if you are certain that pork or pork products were used may you refrain from eating."

No Hope without Beliefs!

Sohbet from 21.1.07

No Hope without Beliefs!

As-salamu alaikum!

I was thinking that Sheikh Hisham Efendi Khalifa (is) going to carry from me this association, I am hearing to him, but he is refusing and saying: "You are old 'himar' (Arabic: donkey), doesn't matter?..." Therefore - what we shall do? We are going through his baraka, what coming, we shall speak?

We are not in university, high school, to keep one book, only this, this - we are free! Free meeting. Only may attend such a meetings whom they are smelling or feeling from spirituality - (they) may come.

Therefore, it is a humble meeting and everyone can take something; as a person going to bazar, market, supermarket? a person may come and (he is) going around, (he) may take something that he may be in need, (but) he can?t carry all, no.

This is for example, this is not supermarket, (but) flea market? Yes, flea market, everywhere Sunday you may find through so many countries, cities, flea market. What is their capital? Their capital? - no, another word? - (is) from dustbins. They are looking - people they are throwing so many things, he is putting in a good bag, putting behind his car, rrrrr?, coming, making a place, and (the) council (is) coming, asking: "Give one Pound." "For what?" "You are sitting here!" "One Pound? It is not? for this that I am bringing here, you are asking one Pound?" "Ya Hu, give half a Pound, doesn't matter?" Such a things bringing: someone may [have] passed away and his old clothes, old materials, bringing (to) a big area?ohhh? or some factories throwing away, depot things, cheap things? from everywhere? from nail to male, you can find everything in it? That is flea market!

And this also our flea market? we may speak, because so many - ma sha Allah - flea market people here? he has supermarket, I have flea market?

?How much you need this material?? ?O my brother, it is not one, it is one dozen. But you may look that each plate it is one sample? you may do a collection.? ?Yes, how much you need?? ?I need 5 Pounds.? ?You are [asking] too much! 50 Pence?? ?I may ask my boss? O my Darling?, asking, ?50 Pence - we may give?? ?Give, give?, saying, ?who is yet coming???

I was always running around in London, every week, people they were looking me, I was coming with our people? like this? People very happy, because coming, they don?t like to bring their capital back to home, therefore (they were) very happy! ?Except Sheikh no one can buy a such things.? Ehhh? I am carrying? Some people running like this, some running like that, collecting? Three cars full! And we are putting on ourselves also so many things, ohhh? Here I can?t find such things, because all people they are flea market people?

This is market, flea market. Perhaps you have a good chance, you can find something that it may be valuable. It is good chance for you to take. Therefore sometimes I was going and saying: ?Whole this - how much you need?? ?O Sheikh, maybe 20 Pounds.? ?Too much! 5 Pounds?? ?I must ask? O my Darling, 5 Pounds, they are taking all, we may give?!? ?Give, quickly, we may go!? Taking, putting? Old photograph machines, old recorders, old gramophones, ehhh? old shoes, old clothes, old plates, old cups? so many things you may? if you go once, you should ask to be second week to go and look after?

Very good, because people they have now a new habit: Every year you must change this, everything inside! We are putting everything outside. Every year one new house.

They are thinking that when they are renewing their furniture or other materials, ladies going to be younger? Every time they are renewing, they think that: ?We renewed also?? That is foolishness, but (it became a) bad habit. Europeans, western countries, wasting, wasting, wasting? that the Lord of Heavens He is never happy with them! Allah never likes those people, whom they are wasting.

Before time people were dressing one dress perhaps 5 years or 10 years or 20 years, putting also patches. We were going for my shoes to repair and they were putting under it also, like soldiers, nails? I was very happy, because tock, tock, tock, tock? keeping shoes and giving honour!

Such a (habit), it is no good! People (are) running to fulfill their bad habits! They are living for that only! They are not thinking that with new clothes, with new furniture, with new cars, they are taking an honour here or Hereafter, but they are doing this, because Shaytan (is) just using them. Shaytan (is) a big company! Just people (are) going to work for Shaytan! People (are) working for Shaytan!

Now in our days, Muslim countries also like western countries; they are very happy to be ?westernized Muslims?! Can?t be ?westernized Muslims?. Muslim (means) Oriental people, sun rising countries. We are not happy to be sunset countries? people, no! They are dreaming (of) Oriental countries, and I am sorry that Muslims they are dreaming western countries! Wrong, wrong! Allah (is) giving honour to Oriental, sun rising countries. Everything that belongs to our spirituality, you can find through Oriental counties. Everything that you are asking for material, you may find in western countries. Therefore their souls (are) always asking to run to Middle East and Oriental countries.

And, in contrary, (the) Muslim world they are dreaming always: ?Oh, oh, if I have been in Paris, in London? dancing? beautiful ladies, girls?? Foolish people! Shaytan (is) making them to be cheated! Nothing in western countries except material! Material means: no sense, no sense, and our pleasure (is) through our spirituality! If your spirituality (is) getting to be happy, you are living a peaceful life!

Why western countries they can?t be able to live peacefully? Because they are worshipping material! And Islam (is) saying: ?Material under my feet!? Western countries? people saying: ?Material on our heads.?

And now people (are) just reaching the top point of pleasement through material. When material (is) finishing, material pleasures, when (they are) finishing, they are asking: ?We are fed up.? Then Shaytan (is) coming with drugs: ?Oh my brother, now you finished! You finished, now we are opening to you a new door to enter and to see, to look, without any trouble. No problem for you, no trouble for you, when you are entering to that world? I am coming, o youngsters, I am coming to open to you a new vision with a new world?? That is!

Therefore - I was in New York with Sheikh Hisham Efendi and the center of U.N. and I was looking and seeing advertisings, saying about? :?Help us to prevent (drugs), to save youngsters from that poison!? And I was there, it was noon time. One group of our people (was) asking me that: ?We are not yet prayed Dhuhr prayer, can we pray?? I said: ?Yes, you can pray aside.? When they are praying, 2 like polar bears, running, coming and shouting, saying: ?You can?t pray here! Here no Allah, here no God, here no beliefs! Go away!? Such Shaytan people! With which means they can save youngsters? Only a real belief may save people to fall into (the) trap of Shaytan and they are fighting that - how we can help them?

We can kill people? No. If you can kill, another one is coming, bringing? but if a person (is) believing in (the) Lord of Heavens and who beliefs (in a) responsibility for them, for him Last Day, (on) Last Day, on Judgment Day, he is fearing from Allah Almighty and may help us. Only beliefs can stop it, but western countries (are) fighting against beliefs. They are materialist, atheist people, not believing in anything - how we can stop?

You can?t? Therefore western countries people (are) now in a worst situation: No peace, no pleasure, no hope, because they are saying: ?(When) people (are) dying, everything (is) finishing?? Day by day they are loosing their hopes and finally they are finishing?

O people! The Lord of Heavens (is) saying: ?O My servants, follow My Messengers, My elected, chosen people, that I grant to them something from heavenly spirituality. Follow them to reach satisfaction, contentment! ?

You can?t find a contentment and peace through material! So many people are buried in material, but they (are) never finding a satisfaction, no, no!

Therefore (the) world, East and West, East, sun rising countries, mostly they like to believe in Allah Almighty, to keep His Ways and to keep to His Heavenly Oceans and second part, they are asking quickly to fulfill their physical desires and to follow their egoistic desires. And they are in wrong way!

Now people on fire. Everyone whom they are asking their Lord, Creator, Allah Almighty, they should be saved. Everyone whom they are not asking and they are making an example for them Shaytan, shaytanic ways, they should be taken away; no rest here or Hereafter. May Allah forgive us!

It is a dangerous time and day by day we are approaching to (they) last station of (this) world. O people, try to do some good things, that when you are reaching to your Lord, to be happy with you and to welcome you! If not, you (are) never going to be welcomed through your Lord or through Heavenly Beings, Angels! Try to be from that group that they should be welcomed and the doors of Paradise - Paradise means eternity, eternity, eternal life? you may go to eternity - so beautiful word, eternity! Ask, O people! If you are not understanding Arabic, you may understand ?eternity?. So beautiful world, word! Ask eternal life through eternity! Oh?oh? !

That must be (the) main goal for mankind; but I am sorry to say that people lost it and they are making some nonsense goals to reach. Their nonsense goal (is) only to save much more money, to save much more golden, to save much more property and trying to be No. 1 through richness or through their sultanates, (or) through their authorities.

O people, they are all imitated and no value things in divine Presence!

O people, no one can be like Qarun, no one can save, what he saved. What benefit he reached from his saved treasures? Nothing! First Allah Almighty (was) making him to sink down! And people, Bani Israel, the Children of Israel, they were never keeping their tongues from Prophets! They were always harming Sayyidina Musa, Moses, and they were saying: ?Oh, look, Moses (was) just cursing Qarun to take his treasures!? And he was ordering also earth: ?Take all treasures down, so people must know we are not looking (to the) treasures on this life!?

O people, use your minds, don?t follow your egos! Your egos (are) following Shaytan and Shaytan he (is) just getting first ?asi?, disobedient one, (he was the) first one who (was) thrown away from the Divinely Presence! May Allah forgive us!

Use your minds, use your mentalities! Today we are here, tomorrow we are not here? And Shaytan (is) making people to be 2 big groups. Now, as (the) Prophet was saying: ?When the Last Days (are) coming, people on earth (are) going to be in 2 groups.? Every nation must be under one group. They should fight each another and they should kill each other, so that if 5 billions (are) living, 4 billions are going away, one billion (is going to be) on earth only. O people, follow (the) safe way!

I was in London and I saw once a writing: ?Safeways?. I was surprising, saying: ?I was asking safe way! What??? Then I am asking people to go to look. ?That is a new Message with those people to show people safe way?? ?O Sheikh, (it is) the name of Hypermarket! ? ?Ha?? Look? that person was urging people to come and to buy something, to be his heart content with something that...

Now Sheikh Salim saying to me: ?O Sheikh, people now (are) asking some new markets, because now a new fashion (is) coming and people they are saying ?organic? and ?unorganic?. Therefore everywhere hypermarkets, supermarkets are mixing organic with non-organic and selling (to) people. People, who knows what is organic or unorganic?

Therefore this (is) making people to be awaken; if they are asking to be save from unorganic foods: ?Come to us, we are not lying!? but they are biggest liars!

(The) Prophet (was) saying: ?Man ghashana, fa-laisa minna. Who (is) cheating us, is not from our nation?, but Shaytan (is) making people to cheat each other. (The) wife (is) cheating (the) husband, (the) husband (is) cheating wife, children cheating through themselves, neighbours cheating, government cheating? everyone cheating and running now. (The) Prophet (is) never accepting such a nation, whom they are not using their minds and no beliefs, they are not believing. And Allah Almighty (is) saying: ?O people, try to be with true ones!? ?O Sheikh, there is true ones, they are true ones, that one there!? True ones? If you are asking pub people: ?Are you (from true ones)?? ?Who are you, asking such question to me? I am true one!? ?No, you are horse of Truva [Trojan horse]!?

Keep yourself with good people; with Prophets, and also those, whom they are following Prophets. They should be among people up to (the) end of this world.

Do you think that ?yaqut?, ruby, you can find everywhere? Look? anyone from Sri Lanka here? No? How they are tiring themselves to find a jewel! They are tiring to find a piece of ruby. Do you think that such people, true people, (are) everywhere? You must ask to find (them)! Find (one) and be with him, you should be happy here and happy there!

May Allah forgive us for the honour? Ya Rabbi afwak wa ridak! O our Lord forgive us! Send us good shepherds; we are fed up from Shaytans shepherds, making Your people, Your servants, on (the) wrong way! Send Your Heavenly Support, heavenly armies, to take them away, to make this world clean and clear for Your sincere servants!

Now you can?t find... awliya (are) saying (that) you can?t find a clean place for praying and saying (that) you can?t find a clean place to make tayyamun. Such a dirty world now! And (the) world (is) making itself like this, like that? Tsunami, for what? That is signs that (the) earth (is) asking to explode, to make them away, to kill them!

What happening on earth!

O our Lord, we are not accepting what they are doing. Keep Your servants away from those Shaytans shepherds! Everywhere take them away! Give me, I may carry, even I am (the) weakest servant. And it is not too much! If You are giving an authority to an ant, one ant can clean (the) whole world, it is not difficult!

May Allah forgive us and grant us Sahibu Zaman, who should appear, should come, when (the) Last Days (are) approaching, Sayyidina Mehdi ? alayhi salam-, then Antichrist comes, then Sayyidina Isa ? alayhi salam.

For the honour of (the) most honoured, most honourable, most glorified and most praised servant in Your Divinely Presence, ya Rabbi, Sayyidina Muhammad ? sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - O Allah, forgive us and support Your weak servants,


That is baraka of Sheikh Hisham Efendi?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Jamming with the sufis : Rock and Whirling

Jamming with the sufis!

by Khalid Ajmain

I have to admit honestly that I cant live without music. I cant imagine this world without music, It will be terribly dull and boring. Things can't just be in black and white, colour is essential. Perhaps growing up with the music industry scene and tariqa made my preceptions different on certain issuea since I was young. I was really into music and devoted my life to a band that I hoped would one day change the world and have an impact upon humankind. It was the wildest dream we had as a band while playing rythms with lyrics about calling people to start a revolution and change the world. Somehow along the journey, I felt the anger I put into my music overcome me. I was time to quit music and move on to a new life and something better.

I realised I didn't want a career that would spark heaps of cash in the wallet by cursing people who are not up to your standards and conspire against fellow human beings. I took a break from listening to music for a while and it made me temporarily dumb and deaf emotionally. I didn't know what to do with life without music. I felt a void that needed to be filled.

Music has played a major role in the development of Muslim society in the past. History itself acts in evidence to show us today the importance of music. It has became a tool of inspiration for society in its glorious past having advanced in every aspect of knowledge. And its simple because music and art enlightens the heart and soul of a man. It fills the heart with a positive energy that brings you to a greater heights. Its beyond the mind's perception. Listening to music can have a spritual impact.

Al-Kindi used to play guitar, using music as a therapy for mental patients in hospital. Its not only about the culture and passion of a tribe or society but its how music has been able to tranquilize those hearts that are in a shape of despair and longing for a Divine connection. During the Prophet's (s.a.w.) time, music was used in social integration and as a way of expression to celebrate the joy of loving the Beloved. The drums, the singing and clapping, brought a new dimension of spirit to the muslims of Medina. It brought the joy of singing and embracing humanity as different races and religions living side by side without any fear. And who can forget the Sufis who used music as an instrument to invite others to Islam. Such a tool serves to emphasise Islam as a religion of cultivating love to mankind and not fear and hatred. But then of course, we are talking about music contributing positively to society instead of degrading moral values.

I think its time we begin to ponder about the crisis muslims are facing everywhere. Observe the famines, poverty, social unrest, extremism and other ills. In such times we begin to question our faith in the wake of such madness.We seem to be drifting backwards, being left far behind due to our own narrow-mindedness. We block our own hearts from being creative and delete inspirations on our own progress in life. Instead we thrive on things that doen't solve the matters of our daily issues. We engross ourselves in politics as though we have the power to do better than those whom God has chosen to be in positions appointed to them. We think we can do a better job that doesn't concern us when we can't even look after our own personal matters. We engage in debates and thrive on heated discussions. Its time we made sense of our own selves.

I am not saying that we should be absolutely liberal in what we do but rather that we should revive our lost heritage: music and poetry, which serves drive us to enrich our creativity within and aid us in the true understanding of love. Over the years, bands from the likes of Dewa, Forever Haqqani that incorporate a theme of whirling dervishes; the reunion of rock-artistes such as M.Nasir, Ramli Sharip and Hanafi Warren; former pop-rock guru Cat Stevens now known as Yusuf Islam, Qawwali acts such as The Sabri brothers and Nusrat Fateh Khan continue to inspire us with such enlightening sounds.

So let us enrich our natural desire to journey in knowing what love is truly about, a journey that assists us in cleansing the heart from worldly diseases and transforming it into a receiver to the Divine. A heart devoid of music is a lifeless heart.

Above pic is Mawlana Shaykh Hisham with Ahmad Dhani from Dewa and the Naqshbandi Haqqani Rabbani whirling Dervishes from Indonesia

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Specialties of Muharram and `Ashura

In the name of Allah the Most Merciful the Most Compassionate,

Our beloved Maulana Sheikh Nazim (qs) fasted today Jan 19, Friday as it's the end of the year and beginning of the first month of the Islamic calendar; Muharram is the first month of the lunar calendar and is one of the four sacred months.

Mu'awiyah ibn Abu Sufyan (Radiyallahu 'anh) relates: I heard the Messenger of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) say: "It is the day of `Ashura. Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) has not made fasting obligatory for you. But I am fasting. He who likes to observe fast among you should do so, and he who likes not to observe it (does not have to) observe it." [Sahih Muslim]

Abu Qatada (Radiyallahu 'anh) relates that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu `alayhi wa Sallam) said that the fast on the 10th of Muharram atones for the sins of the preceding year. [Sahih Muslim]

Abu Huraira (Radiyallahu 'anh) reports that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu `alayhi wa Sallam) said that after Ramadan, the fasts of Muharram have the greatest excellence. [Sahih Muslim]

Hakam ibn Al-Arat (Radiyallahu 'anh) relates: I went to Ibn Abbas (Radiyallahu 'anh). I said to him: Tell me about fasting on `Ashura. He said, "When you seen the new moon of Muharram count the (days) and (begin to) observe fast on the 9th." I said to him: "Is it how the Holy Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu `alayhi wa Sallam) observed the fast?" He said, "Yes." [Sahih Muslim]

Hazrat Ibn Abbas (Radiyallahu 'anh) relates that when the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu `alayhi wa Sallam) said: "If I survive till next
year, I will definitely observe fast on the 9th of Muharram (as well)." [Sahih Muslim]

(Note: What the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu `alayhi wa Sallam) meant was that he would also fast on the 9th as well as the 10th to which he was accustomed. We also should try fasting on the 9th and the tenth of Muharram.)

Hazrat Ibn Abbas (Radiyallahu 'anh) reports that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu `alayhi wa Sallam) arrived in Madinah and found the Jews observing fast on the day of `Ashura. They said: "It is the day of great (significance) when Allah delivered Hazrat Musa ('Alaihis-Salaam) and his people and drowned Pharoah and his people, and Sayyidina Musa ('Alaihis-Salaam) observed fast out of gratitude. And
we also observe it."... so Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu `alayhi wa allam) observed fast (on the day of `Ashura) and gave us orders to observe it. [Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim]

`Ashura is a day of great historical significance. On this day:
Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) accepted the repentance of Sayyidina Adam ('Alaihis-Salaam) after his exile from Paradise; Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) saved Sayyidina Nuh ('Alaihis-Salaam) and his companions in the ark; Allah extinguished the fire in which Sayyidina Ibrahim ('Alaihis-Salaam) was thrown by Nimrod; And Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) spoke directly to Sayyidina Musa ('Alaihis-Salaam) and gave him the Commandments. On this same 10th of Muharram, Sayyidina Ayyub ('Alaihis-Salaam) was restored to health (from leprosy); Sayyidina Yusuf ('Alaihis-Salaam) was reunited with his father Ya'qub ('Alaihis-Salaam) ; Sayyidina Yunus ('Alaihis-Salaam) was taken out from the belly of the fish; and the sea was divided as the nation of israel was delivered from captivity and Pharoah's army was destroyed. `Ashura is also the day when Sayyidina Dawud ('Alaihis-Salaam) was forgiven; the kingdom of Sulaiman ('Alaihis-Salaam) was restored; Sayyidina Isa ('Alaihis-Salaam) was raised to Jannah and Sayyidina al-Husayn (Radiyallahu 'anh) (the Holy Prophet's, Sallallahu `alayhi wa Sallam, grandson) achieved the honor of Martyrdom.1

Worship Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) as much as you can on `Ashura.
Whoever fasts on this day is like one who fasts all his life. Whoever clothes a naked person Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) will release him from a painful punishment. He who visits a sick person, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) will grant him a reward that will not be decreased. Whoever places his hand on an orphan's head, or feeds a hungry person or gives water to a thirsty man, Allah will feed him a feast from Paradise and will quench his thirst with Salsabil (a wine that does not intoxicate). And who ever takes a Ghusl on this day will enjoy excellent health and freedom from sickness and indolence. Whoever provides generously for his family on this day, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) will be generous to him throughout this year. And whoever applies Kuhl to his eyes will never suffer from eye-sore again, inSha'Allah al-Aziz.2

O' Allah! Bless us to perform good deeds and gain their reward
on `Ashura. Make the new year one of unity, cooperation and success
for Muslims in this city and around the world. Ameen.

1. These are mentioned as what scholars have determined as the specialties of that day in Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq, Sayyidina
Abdul Qadir al-Jilani.
2. These specialties are mentioned in Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-
Haqq, Sayyidina Abdul Qadir al-Jilani.

============ ========= ========= ======

1. Narrated from Ibn al-'Abbas r.a. that the Prophet s.a.w. said, "Whoever fasts the last day of Dhul Hijjah and the first day of Muharram, he completes a whole year's worth of fasting in that previous year, and Allah gives him penance for fifty [50] years."[1]

[1]Meaning, fast two [2] days: last day of Dhul Hijjah + first day of Muharram = complete year's fasting and penance for 50 years.

2. Narrated from Anas r.a. that the Prophet s.a.w. said, "Whoever fasts the first Friday of Muharram Allah will forgive his preceding sins[2], and whoever fasts three days of Muharram - Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Allah will write for him worship and prayers for nine hundred [900] years."[3]

[2]Meaning, fast first Friday [one day's worth] = preceding sins forgiven.
[3]Fast three [3] days [Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of any week in Muharram] = 900 yrs worship.

3. Narrated from 'A`ishah Umm al-Mu'minin r.a. that the Prophet s.a.w. said, "Whoever fasts the first ten days up till 'Ashura, he will inherit the Paradise al-Firdaus." [4]

[4] Meaning, fast first ten [10] days = get Jannat al-Firdaus.

4. Fasting of 'Ashura is Sunnah Mu`akkadah, that which is highly desired. When the Prophet s.a.w. saw the Jews of Madinah fasting on that day, he asked them for what it was. They told him it was the day Musa a.s. led the Bani Isra`il from Pharaoh. ...So he fasted that day and ordered for its observance. This was part of a longer narration from 'A`ishah r.a.

5. In another Hadith the Prophet s.a.w. said, "Distinguish yourselves from them by fasting either the day before 'Ashura or the day after it as well."[7]

6 The Prophet said, "Whoever fasts the 'Ashura, Allah will write for him a thousand [1000] wishes and a thousand years of age[5], and will grant him the reward of a thousand martyrs, and will write for him the reward of Isma`il a.s., and writes for him seventy [70] palaces in paradise, and makes his flesh forbidden from the hellfire."

[5]Meaning, fast on 'Ashura = Allah grants 1000 wishes and writes for you an age of a 1000 yrs in worship.

7. In another Hadith the Prophet s.a.w. said, "Whoever fasts the 'Ashura, he will be granted the reward of a thousand angels. And whoever recites "Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad" a thousand [1000] times on the day of 'Ashura[6], Allah will glance at him with the Eyes of Mercy, and will write him from
amongst the Siddiqqin [The Truthful]."

[6] You may read it 1000 times in succession at any time of the Day of 'Ashura, or pray 100 sunnah rak'at, reciting 10 times Al-Ikhlas after the Fatihah in each rak'ah.

[7] Apart from fasting 'Ashura which is the 10th of Muharram, fast also on either the 9th or the 11th.

8. Whoever prays in 'Ashura four [4] sunnah rak'at on the day of 'Ashura, where after the Fatihah in each rak'ah recites "Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad" eleven [11] times[8], Allah will forgive his sins of fifty years, and will build for him a pulpit from light. And whoever takes the sunnah shower on 'Ashura he will not suffer sickness in that year except the illness of death, and whoever wears the Kuhl on his eyes on 'Ashura he will not suffer sickness on that year.

[8] This is usually done during time of Duha on the day of 'Ashura. Make intention to pray 4 rak'at (like Zuhr, 'Asr, and 'Isha prayer with 1 salam) Sunnah Yaum al-'Ashura. After the Fatihah in each rak'ah, recite Al-Ikhlas 11 times. Alhamdulillah, I did with Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and the murids in Lefke before.

9. Du'a of 'Ashura: Recite "Hasbun Allahu wa ni'mal wakil, ni'mal Maula wa ni'man Nasir" [70 x], and recite: "Hasbun Allahu mil-al Mizan wa muntaha-l 'ilma, wa mablaghal rida, wa zinatul 'arsh, la malja-a wa la manja min Allahi illa ilaihi. Subhan Allahi 'adada-sh-shaf` i wal 'arshi, wa 'adada kalimati Rabbina-t taammati kulliha. As-aluka-s Salamata bi Rahmatika Ya Arham Ar-Rahimin, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil 'Aliyyil 'Azhim. Wa huwa hasbii wa ni'mal wakil, ni'mal Mawla wa ni'man Nasir. Wa Sallallahu 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in." [7 x].

10. About an hour before the Adhan for Maghrib towards 'Ashura, sit facing the Qiblah and finish the daily Adab of Tariqah. And then make Tawassul with Sayyidina al-Husayn and the martyrs of Karbala[9], where on that day they died Shahid with Sayyidina al-Husayn and those who were with him, may Allah's favours be upon them. After breaking your fast dedicate the blessings and rewards of your fast and daily Awrad upon the Prophet s.a.w. for the oceans secrets that lie open on the 14th of Muharram.

[9] Make also Tawassul to the Prophet s.a.w. and the Mashayikh of the Naqshbandi Tariqah, and then to Sayyidina al-Husayn and the Shuhada of Karbala. The names of the Shuhada of Karbala that is used to be recited is in the Futuhat.

11. Muharram is also a month of great importance to Naqshbandi. Our Master and Imam of the Tariqah Shah Naqshband q.s. was born on the 14th of this month[10]. It is thus important and most desired that the Ahl of the Tariqah congregate on the eve of this holy day for Khatm and Dhikr, and read the Mawlid al-Nabi s.a.w. in dedication to Mawlana Shah Naqshband, and also reading excerpts from his saintly life.

[10] It is hence of utmost importance that we must hold a Haul of Shah Naqshband on that evening.

12. It is a tradition and practice of Mawlana Sultan al-Awliya' Shaykh 'Abdullah al-Daghistani q.s. to make Qurban of two sheep on the day of 'Ashura and distribute the meat to the poor and needy to the members of the Tariqah. He also did this on the birthday of Shah Naqshband q.s.

from Al-Futuhat al-Haqqaniyyah by Shaykh 'Adnan Kabbani

translated by brother Abdul Shakur Al-Rahhab
with edit by Naqshbandi staff

Friday, January 19, 2007

Muharram Suhbat

In the name of Allah the Most Merciful the Most Compassionate

Our beloved Maulana Sheikh Nazim will be fasting tomorrow on Jan 19, Friday as it's the end of the year & beginning of the first month of the Islamic calendar; Muharram is the first month of the lunar calendar and is one of the four sacred months.

Excerpted from the talk of Maulana Sheikh Nazim Adil Al Haqqani

Everything in this holy month of Muharram is one hundred times more than in other months... if you give ‘fi sabilillah’ for the sake of Allah in this month, it must come back to you at least ten to one hundred times more...

Meded ya Sultanul awliya, Meded ya Rijalullah...

We are asking forgiveness from Allah Almighty and we are also giving endless shukr/thanks to Him. As much as we are giving more shukr, more honor and lights, nur, is coming to us. And if a person is not saying shukr, even if he goes to the jamaat/congregation for morning-prayer and sits up until dhuhr/noon, up until evening and night-prayer, it will not be easy for that person to keep his ego and try to fulfill his oath that he gave to Allah on the Day of Promises; all of us gave our oath to Allah, saying 'We are promising to You that we shall be Your servants for Your Heavenly, Divine Service'. Now everyone must look, what his intention is, for what and for whom is he working? For which purpose is he running from here to there? All of you must try to think about it. Everything that is not for the sake of Allah is going to finish.. even if you spend millions of dollars.. Allah knows everything. He knows that the children of Adam in the 20th century never follow His Orders. No country is following the Orders of Heavens, meaning the Orders of Allah; everyone is trying to make something according to his own thinking and his own knowledge... Everything is only based on materialism; they deny all spirituality, everything beyond this world, and everything after this life. Anyone who never thinks about Divine Service must be brought down. Even if he is the richest person on earth, it is not going to be of any benefit to him. Therefore try to depend on Allah Almighty. If you depend on Him and He supports you, no harm will come to you here or hereafter... Therefore there is a divine trap for those who think that there won‘t be any Heavenly Involvement on earth any more, and who are saying 'We just threw away the Kings and the Sultans. Now we are the owners of everything which we took from them; it is for us, not for them any more'. One intention may save people, and one word may cause mankind to fall down, so that if people are not paying attention to their Lord’s teachings and orders, everything is going to be upset, the head will be at the bottom, and the feet will be at the top.. And everything may be taken from you so that you are not able to taste anything from all those kinds of niamat/divine favors, like vegetables and fruits. You will ask to eat, but there will be no taste, nothing... trying the food, but nothing in your mouth is helping you to digest it. So if you depend on Allah you should be victorious here and hereafter. If you are asking to depend on a man, then one day he is going to die and your pillar is falling down. If a person depends on his money, one day that money is going to vanish and it may be lost in one night, and then he can’t do anything with it any more. Ask from Allah Almighty for a safe place for the coming days with good ones around you, so wild animals won’t be ale to touch you. You may keep yourself, and Allah Almighty is protecting you also.

May Allah forgive us and bless you. From this holy month Muharram some unexpected events will or may begin to appear, and chaos will increase day by day. May Allah protect our souls, may He protect our families, our children, and make who is alive to be good servants. We are all servants, may Allah accept us, wa min Allah at taufiq/and success is from Allah, Fatiha

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Protection from Tribulations

Repost to all of u with love:

Allahuma Shali wa salim ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa Ala Alihi Wa Shahbihi ajmain
May Allah protect us now and then Amin!

From The Approaching Armageddon:

Daily Recitations for Protection from Tribulations
To keep away from the great difficulties that will befall mankind during the
last days of this world, Muslims are advised to recite the following adhkaar
every day:
100-1000 times Astaghfirullāh wa atūbu ilayh ( ﻪﻴﻟا بﻮﺗاو ﷲا ﺮﻔﻐﺘﺳا )
100-1000 times Lā hawla walā quwatta illa billāh il ‘Alī-yil ‘Azhīm(ﻢﻴﻈﻌﻟا ﻲﻠﻌﻟا ﷲﺎﺑ ﻻا ةﻮﻗ ﻻو لﻮﺣ ﻻ )
100-1000 times Hasbunallāh wa ni‘mal Wakīl ( ﻞﻴآﻮﻟا َﻢﻌِﻧو ﷲﺎﻨﺒﺴﺣ )
100-1000 times Bismillāh ir-Rahmān ir-Rahīm ( ﻢﻴﺣﺮﻟا نﺎﻤﺣﺮﻟا ﷲا ﻢﺴﺑ )
100-1000 times Ya Wadūd
5000 Allāh, Allāh by tongue ( ﷲا ﷲا )
5000 Allāh, Allāh by heart (ﷲا ﷲا )
2000 Salawāt on the Prophet : Allāhumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala āli
Muhammadin wa sallim ( ﻢﻠﺳو ﺪﱠﻤﺤﻡ لﺁ ﻰﻠﻋو ﺪﱠﻤﺤﻡ ﻰﻠﻋ ﻲﻠﺻ ﻢﻬﻠﻟا )
100 times Sūrat al-Ikhlās ( صﻼﺧﻻ ةرﻮﺳ)

If one is unable to perform this, then it is recommended to at least pray
two rak‘ats of Salāt al-Hifz (Prayer of Protection) for protection from afflictions
coming from above and below, consisting of two standard rak‘ats of prayer,
reciting Sūrat al-Ikhlās twice in the first rak‘at and once in the second rak‘at
following Sūrat al-Fātihā.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----
Protection Prayers
Sheikh Nazim has given the zikr to be started at the beginning of the war, and then to be done daily:

100 times Hasbun Allahu wa niyamal wakil
100 times La illaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minal laalimin
40 times Salatan Tunjina

Hasbun Allahu wa niyamal wakil - Allah is enough of a Defender (Protector) for us.
La illaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minal laalimin-There is no God but You Oh Glorified One, I verily am from amongst the transgressors. (Zikr in the belly of the whale, recited by Prophet Yunus (alai)
Salatan Tunjina

Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin salatan tunjina biha min jami al ahwali wal afat
wa taqdi lana biha jami‘a al hajjat
wa tutahiruna biha min jami‘a as-sayyiat
wa tarfauna biha ‘indaka ala darajat
wa tubalighuna biha aqsa al ghayat min jami‘a al khayrat fil hayati wa bad al mamat
wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim tasliman kathira

O Allah pray on our Master Muhammad a prayer by means of which we will be saved from every awe-inspiring harmful thing, and that will take care of all of our needs, and purify us by means of it from all of our ugly qualities and characteristics and raise us and purify us by means of it from all of our ugly qualities and characteristics and raise us up by means of it in Your Presence to the highest of degrees, and cause us to reach by means of it the extremes of all goodness in our life and after our death and this prayer be upon his family and his companions and may he be given safety and much salaam.

Unity Oceans of Profit

Suhbat: Unity Oceans of Profit
Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani

O people, ask from Allah Almighty to give to you from halal provision. That is important, because (switching to Arabic… murid sneezes).

You must Allah Almighty to grant to you halal rizq, pure provision that is giving to you power for worshipping. Dirty things, closing our hearts, and making our organs to be lazy and to be unable to do something that their Lord is ordering them to do. Therefore you must try to make our rizq, provision, to be clean one, so that we may stand up for praying. Because if your eating is not clean, you can’t stand up for Allah’s order. If a person is not eating clean food, his power is going to be for Shaytanic actions. And power coming to you. You may eat everything. People now, they are not asking if it is halal or haram. They are eating. But mu`min, believer, must look at what they are eating. If it is clean, pure, that gives to you nur. Nur, heavenly lights, that makes you to move, to stand up for your servanthood in Divine Presence. If not, it is forbidden for that person to enter into Divine Presence and to do something that making him to be more closer to Divine Presence.

Therefore, `awliya they are saying most important thing for murids is to try to eat clean food. Halal food. If not, they can’t move, they can’t stand up, for their servanthood. They should be so lazy, for praying, but they should be so quick to run after forbidden things—if they are not eating halal, their ego is taking much more power to run and to do such a things that they are forbidden, not halal. Therefore, `awliya they are saying praying depends on halal food. Maybe a worshipping ten parts, it may be it needs one only should be for our other things that giving a power for man to stand up for his Lord’s servanthood. Nine from ten, it is from halal food, clean food. And must be very careful what you are eating. Now, people… we have a saying, “halal, haram wa Allahum kuru namaz wa Allah haq ...“ There is a phrase in Turkish that old people were saying and complaining from ignorant people, that they are never asking when they are eating something, if it is halal or haram. Anything coming in front of them, they are eating and drinking. And they are saying, “O our Lord, now we are servants, they are going to be so ignorant that they never asking if what they are eating and drinking, if it is clean, pure, clean. No. Everything that they are thinking it is halal, they may eat.” And if one piece of food or drink that is not halal makes your (demand?) for praying, making it to fall down. One part, one tenth—making people to fall down. They can’t be able to arise towards heavens. They are making their spirituality so difficult position because spirituality now imprisoned through our physical beings, and when our physical being getting coming down, our spirituality also is coming down. Therefore we are in need—what are we eating, what are we drinking, to be clean, halal. Halal.

Therefore, there is munajaat, praying, Allahumarzuqna tayyiban w 'asta`malna saalihan—O our Lord, please grant us from Your clean clean provisions, and we are asking also from You that we are eating and taking power to use it for Your obedience, to be what we are eating—and from that eating coming a power to our organs to make our organs to arise towards heavens—that is a good praying to ask from Allah Almighty clean food, halal food, so that if a person eating halal, never going to make haram. No, close down the doors of haram on that person who they are eating halal. Can’t use a person the power that is coming to them from halal food—can’t use it for Shaytanic aspects. No. Therefore, we must try to feed our physical beings with halal food that makes ourselves happy, light, and gives us a power, energy, himma, himmatul ‘aliya, aspirations—that makes ourselves to arise towards heavens.

May Allah forgive us.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

MSN : Suhbah on the day of Arafah

O people! Islam is haqq, it is the true religion; if it was batil/vain no one would be here. Fifteen hundred years ago this command was given: go to hajj. And if you cannot go, the ones that don't go: go and celebrate the eid prayers and celebrations, and look, many people are running to do it. There are many people saying 'Islam is backwards, it is from the dark ages.' But no! Islam is like a sun, shining like a sun from day one until the Last Day. Keep your iman/faith and make it stronger. And how do you make it stronger? With your prayers and good deeds. And Allah will ask: 'Didn't you have two minutes to make two rakaats/cycles of prayer for Me? I have given you many different things and you haven't thought of Me even once in 24 hours, to pray two rakaats to Me -something which takes only two minutes?' In the morning, wash your hands and face, wash your feet as well, and pray two rakaats. They come to me saying 'Sheykh Efendi, our job is going bad!' How is your relationship with Allah Almighty? 'It is not good.' If you are betraying yourself and Allah Almighty, it is bad, it is not good. That means that everything is going bad. 'Sheykh Efendi, pray Allah to give us!' And Allah says 'Why should I give him, is he remembering me? No. Then, why should I give him? If I give him more, he will loose his head more.' So, you pray! Don't let a day pass without sajdah/prostration. When we are praying before going out in the morning, it is more barakah/blessing coming into that day. The one whose rizq/provision is finished, will die. But if you're alive, your rizq will come, and there is an angel especially bringing barakah. And the angel is looking if someone is praying or not. If he is praying, the angel will give the blessings, if not, he will take it away.. the angel will take
the barakah away. If you don't want your business to go bad, you must have good relations with Allah Almighty subhanahu wa ta'ala.

May Allah give us the right tawbah/repentance to ask in a right way for forgiveness. Today is the day that you put your sacrifices in the direction of the qiblah and say 'Bismillah, Allahu Akbar', and then you slaughter your sacrificial animal. And after that you pray two rakaat thanksgiving/shukr for it. As soon as you cut the animal's air pipe and blood vessels, you must leave the animal. Don't cut deeper. And you must leave the animal for two or three minutes, it is its right to move, and all the blood to come out. If you cut the wrong place and the animal doesn't move much, then all the blood remains in the body which is not good for people. You have the right to keep one third, and then give one third to poor people. And for that Allah will protect you and your kids and your household, because of that. And Allah will put trouble away from you. If you don't sacrifice on Eid day, trouble will come and then you pay ten times more than the money you should have paid that day to slaughter one animal. Allah will make you pay ten times more! Maybe someone touches your car, an accident happens, you pay too much money. Don't think because of this sacrifice your money will decrease, or if you give sadaqa/alms your money will decrease. Give, and don't allow your hand to shake when you give! Many troubles Allah is keeping away from you. So give generously! And today we all gather here to pray the Eid prayer. And we make intention how to do the prayer. Whatever we say in khutbah/preach, I say it here so we don't have to keep the people, I make it short in khutbah.

May Allah increase the rank of the holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam peace be upon him. The ones that are trying to bring the Prophet's name down, don't allow them, O our Lord! Make them away and protect us from enemies, and enemies of Islam and protect, O our Lord, our families also and don't allow us to be with evildoers, let us be with good ones. Be careful with your kids, with the young ones, because this young age is important. Don't allow them in these days with these bad doings. There are many bad things people are doing today: drugs, alcohol and other things, all the worst dirt the west brought here. When you come to them with your customs, they look 'what did you bring here?' What did they bring? Only bad things, to make people lose their good ways and learn these evil and bad things. We must pray Allah not to put us with bad ones but to write our names with good ones. Live clean, and when you leave this world, leave clean.

Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Muhammadin Nabeyyil ummi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim.