
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

When a wife smiles...

How is a wife to receive her husband? Our Grandshaykh gives us Divine Knowledge on this subject:

"If a woman is smiling at her husband, Allah orders all Paradise to open for her to enter. For her, He especially prepares such a palace as was never before prepared. He will bestow blessings that have never before been bestowed! Why does Allah Almighty bestow such blessings? It is because when a wife smiles at her husband, she takes the whole day's troubles from his shoulders. It gives love between them, from her heart to his."

"Love is the reason to continue family life. If there is no love, the family separates. Therefore, Allah likes smiling faces. It is a simple thing, but very important. Allah never likes hatred between husband and wife, between mu'min."

"The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that a smile is a sadaka (charity) for everyone. Rasulullah (peace be upon him) came to increase the love between people; therefore, we must do likewise. Don't behave differently with different people. Don't show a good face to one man, and a bad face to another. You must remember that we are all servants of Allah Almighty, and we have been ordered to do only goodness to each other. This is a unique attribute of man, it is not given to animals to smile or cry."

"In Paradise there are private sections for each person. When one does a good action, it appears in one of these sections as a bounty, or blessing, Paradise is filled with such bounties so much that there isn't an empty place to put a finger! Mu'min (the believer) will enjoy that abundance every moment, endlessly."

"However," continues our Grandshaykh, "If a woman receives her husband with an angry face, Allah will order his angels to shut Paradise, and will order Hell to burn hotter for her. Because of her anger, all the abundance of this life and the next are made haram for her. She must quickly turn and make repentance, before it is written in Allah's book!"

"Angry looks cause her husband's heart to feel hatred for her. Even if she herself has troubles and is feeling miserable, she must receive her husband with a smile. For this, Allah will reward her by removing all her troubles. This is the secret that keeps the family strong."

"If the family is strong, the community is strong. Life can then proceed happily, with no troubles. Therefore, in Islam it is sunnah for wives to smile so that love can grow. A simple thing, but it carries great consequence."

The Teaching of Grandshaykh Abdullah Faiz ad-Daghestani
by Maulana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani


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