Suhbat Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
Monday, 30 October 2006, night
Sh. Abdurrahman’s place, Den Haag, the Netherlands
A’uudhu billahi minash shaytani-rrajeem
Bismillahirrahmanir aheeim
Nawaytul Arba’in Nawaytul I’tikaf Nawaytul Khalwah Nawaytul Uzlah Nawaytur Riyadhah Nawaytus Suluk lillahi Taálal azheem fee hadzal masjid
Alhamdulilllah that Allah swt has blessed us to be from Ummatun Nabiy sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam. It is an honor, it’s a blessing. That is a sign of Allah loves us because He made us to be from Ummatun Nabi, from the Nation of Sayyidina Muhammad sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam.
I’m not coming here as a teacher. I’m not coming as a person higher. I’m like you , you are like me. There is one teacher. And that teacher is, as everyone knows. He is Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, may Allah bless him, Sultanul Awliya’.
Adab of Association (Suhbat) is that one speak, and the rest listen. It cannot be that everyone speak. If everyone has to speak, then it becomes like a Turkish bath. Because Turkish bath is very famous in the Middle East countries. People go there, and everyone speaks from oneside.
When I was young, and Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, may Allah give him long life, used to come and visit us in Lebanon. We used to go with him to my uncle who was the head of Muslim Scholars in Lebanon.
[Shaykh Ahmad came]
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham: Shaykh Ahmad come here. Come, come, Sir, come. Let him come here. Ali move a little bit back. How are you? I don’t have a chair, if I have a chair, I will give you a chair. Shaykh Ahmad no need a chair? Do you need a chair?
[Shaykh Ahmad: No, Astaghfirullah]
So, when Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, may Allah give him long life. As I said I’m not coming here as a teacher. I’m coming as one of you who have the same teacher. Who’d like to speak can speak. So when he used to come, we used to drag him sometime from Syria to Beirut, he goes to visit my uncle. We go sometimes at fajr time. My uncle used to have all the Ulama coming in his house. It’s a big house, can take hundred of `alim sitting. Only `Ulama. They don’t accept less than `ulama. Has to be `Ulama’. And `ulama‘ like 60 years, 70 years, 50 years, that they have studied full Shari`áh, and they know everything, and they are on Naqshbandi Tariqah. My uncle was one of the leaders of Naqshbandi Tariqah long time ago, in Lebanon. That I’m speaking about 35 years ago or 40, 42, 43 years ago….
So, we at that time were very young. I was 18 something like that, 18 years old of age, and Shaykh Adnan my brother was around 16. We used to love Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and Grandshaykh so much. So, when we go to my uncle, and he let us in, although we are not `ulama, but he was my uncle, so … And Mawlana Shaykh Nazim comes and sits.
So, we were sitting besides Mawlana Shaykh Nazim. And all these ulama, hundred of them… sometime 80, sometimes 70, sometimes 120. My uncle teach them on four schools of thought. On every school of thought they take for example how to make ablution. They go first the Hanafi school of thought, because it was the first school of thought, then Maliki, then Shafií then Hambali school, then they see the differences. For example. So, every smallest details of topics of Shari`ah, it takes with them months to cover, of explanation. Not like today, they tell you make like that, make like this, and finish. They have to know why to make like that.
So, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim came and sat, and listening. And, you know, we like that Mawlana speaks. Everyone of us, everyone of you now today, you don’t like anyone else to speak, except Mawlana Shaykh. Is it not? Even if he goes to any conference where there are many other speakers, you like the Shaykh to speak. You don’t like anyone else to speak. And when Mawlana finish, everyone goes. No one stays. All the other speakers looking, “Where are the people? The people disappeared!” And these `ulama speaking, and discussing. Everyone speaking one sound his opinion. There is no raising hands. These are all `Ulama. `Ulama, no raising his hand. Everyone must be like that, sitting, speaking when they speak. The other one speaking, then the other one speaking, the other one…My uncle is sitting listening, and giving opinion. And we said to Mawlana Shaykh, “You speak!”
He said, “It’s a waste of time.” Maa laa ya’nee. Something that has no benefit out of it. Not because that they were discussing Islamic issues. There is benefit in it. But, there is no benefit means there is no one going to listen. Everyone, his ego, is so huge that he is proud of what he is saying, he doesn’t want to listen to some like us. They want, they think themselves as big roosters. You know rooster? They think themselves like that. So there is no way that if I speak they are going to listen. No, it’s a Turkish Bath.
I invited Mawlana Shaykh for a conference in America. And we arranged for Mawlana to come, and we invited 157 from around the world, and everyone has to be Mufti, big, big Ulama. So, that was in 1996. And, it was full like 10,000 people. We had in that conference. And we brought Mawlana Shaykh from the highest podium, speaking. And you know 157 scholars want to speak at that time. Everyone we gave him a room, we made parallel rooms so that they can speak. But, they were not happy. Because… this is how show how much the ego. “How that Shaykh is speaking from the main podium” I gave Mawlana the Ballroom which can accommodate 5000 people listening to him, every day. “How that one can speak like that, and we cannot speak?” We gave them different room.
So, that arrogance is there. You can feel it. It’s true. It’s there. When I was young, I didn’t feel that. We like Mawlana to speak, but there are times that it’s a waste of time. It’s better to leave these gatherings, and don’t bother because they are never going to listen.
Ya, at the age 18 years we didn’t know nor understand and want Mawlana to speak, but he was saying, “What I’m going to speak between these `Ulama?” But, when I brought Mawlana in America I saw that really how it is strong that when people study, they think themselves they become very high, so they don’t like anyone else to speak except themselves.
Sayyidina Muhammad sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam, Allah revealed the Holy Quran to him, not one question he asked. Even when Sayyidah ‘Aishah was being accused by some bad people in her honour. Even Prophet knows the truth. But, he wants to show that he is a normal person. He didn’t answer, he didn’t say, “Ya, you are innocent”. He said, “Until Allah swt gives your innocence.” And waited 40 days until Allah swt sent Sayyidina Jibril, “Say to her that she is innocence. She didn’t do what they are saying.”
This is to see that how much `Ulama must be quiet to learn adab. To see how was Sayyidina Muhammad sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam saying, “Addabanee Rabbee fa-ahsana ta’deebee” “Allah perfected me”, he said.
“Wa innaka la’alaa khuluqin `azheem”And thou (standest) on an exalted standard of character. Al-Qalam [68:4]
“You are of the highest character”, Allah said to Sayyidina Muhammad sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam.
Never he shouted to a child, never he shouted at a elder person. He was always with everyone the same. That’s why we have to learn what we call as Al-Akhlaqu Muhammadiyyah, The Muhammadi characters, and manners, and behaviours. That is what Awliyaullah teach. Ulama’ teach you shariáh. They cannot, they never go to that side, because that side is a discipline side, it is very difficult. Unless, if you are not a Wali, you cannot teach it.
He never asked a question. Even for the innocence of Sayyidah Áishah, he waited revelation to come. He was able to say, “Ya Rabbee, send me the revelations immediately.” No, he waited.
Look how much here people are all Mawlana Shaykh Nazim’s, may Allah give him long life, students. How they are humble. They do not say, “Oh, we are this, we are that”. Bring Ulama. Do you think they can site like that? Look, maasha Allah, Shaykh Ahmad Dede coming, and out of humbleness, he is sitting. He was not saying, “I need a chair” or “I need this, I need that”. If it were someone else, `alim would never accept to sit like this They would immediately bring chairs. And they have to sit you like them, them like you.
Awliya teach humbleness. Ulama’ teach pride. Prophet teaches humbleness. Iblis teaches pride. And Allah cursed Iblis. Why? Why to curse him? He is someone that worshipped from the beginning that Allah created him, he was worshipping until Adam a.s. was created as a form with no ruh at that time. And Iblis coming, looking, “Who is that? Who is that structure?” A form, something with no ruh. And until that he was praying, worshipping and believing in Allah swt. When Allah told him to make sajdah, he said, “Ana khayrun minhu. Khalaqtanee min naar wa khalaqtahuu min teen” “I’m better than him, You created me from fire, and You created him from mud. I’m better than him. How am I going to make sajdah to him?” He didn’t [make sajdah].
Allah, what Allah did?
"Wa qadimnaa ilaa ma ‘amiloo faja`alnaahaa habaa-an manthoora"
And We shall turn to whatever deeds they did (in this life), and We shall make such deeds as floating dust scattered about. Al-Furqan [25:23]
“We come to what they are doing we throw it to their faces their `amal”, because their amal is not for Allah, their amal is for their ego.
So Iblis was praying for his ego, to be proud of himself. “I’m better than all angel, I’m making sajdah everywhere in this whole [universe]” wherever Allah allowed him to do. “So how I’m going to make sajdah to this body with no ruh?”
He refused. That is arrogance. That is pride. Many many of that bad character is within us. This is what prevent us from reaching our secrets. Because Awliyaullah, like Awliyaullah, who are highly perfect, that are inheriting from Prophet sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam these secrets, whatever they do, it’s not for them. They want it to give it for their followers. But, let them come. “Come to me one hand, I come to you one arm”. Allah said in the Holy Hadith, “Man taqaddama ilayya shibran, taqqadmtu ilayhi baa’an.” “Whoever come to Me one hand, I come to him one arm,…” “Man jaa-anee maashiyan, ji’tuhu muharwilan” “Who comes to Me walking, I come to him running”, Allah is saying.
So Awliyaullah, if you come to him a little bit one time, they go after you 99 feet, though you come to them one feet only. Then they give you what you need, your trust. The problem is that they are waiting. They are ready, they are carrying the trust, and saying, “Come to us!” If we come through that arrogance.…. They teach us how to throw arrogance, not to become like Iblis.
So, the importance is who is going to give a speech, who is going to talk? You or everyone? If everyone, finish, that it’s not anymore an association, everyone is proud of what he has, he talks. Adab. what I saw from Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, “Why I have to talk, no need to talk. There is no way they are going to listen,” sitting, listening, and sometimes sleeping is better, and let them speak. Because you cannot throw diamond to people who does not understand diamond, so give them candy. They like it.
Allah swt raised His Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam to show all prophets that my beloved, Seal of messengers, the Perfect one, I’m bringing him to My Presence. Allah did not bring any other Prophets to Isra’and Mi’raj except Sayyidina Muhammad sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam, with his body.
[Allah wants] To show his superiority over everyone. And with that all, what Prophet is always saying all the time, ”Allahumma Laa Takilnee ilaa nafsee tarfata `aynin wa laa aqalla min dhaalik!” Oh Allah, don’t leave me to my ego even for a blink of eye”. Does Prophet have ego? [No]. But he’s saying that, “Laa Takilnee ilaa nafsee tharfata ‘ainin” “Don’t leave me to my ego for a blink of an eye, I will fall in disaster.”
Look Adab of Prophet sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam. In Madinah one time there was a dead person, died, and they’re carrying him to the grave. And as the funeral passing, Prophet sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam was with sahabat sitting, he stood up, respecting the mayyit, the dead person, the deceased person. And they said, “Ya Rasuulallah, what you are doing, what is this?” They have no right to object. The Sahaba, Astaghfirullah, but that they are with their highest level that Allah give them and honor them that no one from Ummatun Nabi, can reach the level of Sahabah. But, compared to the Prophet it is a drop in an ocean. They said, “Ya Rasuulallah, this is not a believer, this is an unbeliever.”
Sayyidina Muhammad sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam looked at them. They said, “Ya Rasuulallaah, this is a Jew. Why are you standing for a Jew?” So Prophet kept it. He didn’t say anything because at that time the fight was so huge between the Sahaba and the Jews in Madinah. So, the Prophet didn’t say anything. He sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam said, “He has two angels with him, this one, the right one, and the left one. I am standing for these two angels.”
He is teaching humbleness. Look Awliyaullah, Sayyidina Abdul Qadir Al-Jaylani q.s., one of the biggest Awliya’. One time he was walking in a district, it was very narrow with his students. And they are walking, and a dog came from the other side. He ordered everyone to move, and he’s respecting that the dog passed. And they said, “Ya ‘Abdal Qadir, Oh, our Master, this is a dog”. Which is better to let human being move first or the do first? He said, “Oh, my children, Allah created us for the sake of Prophet sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam, and Allah created him (the dog) for the sake of Prophet sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam. If not for Prophet, Allah would not create me, would not create that dog. So, I respect what Allah created for the sake of Sayyidina Muhammad sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam.”
Grandshaykh, may Allah bless his soul, he said that… This story I heard it, as I said forty years ago what happened with Mawlana. He said that when he was going from his house, in the mountain, going to Sayyidina Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi, they used to go on carriage, with mule or horses or donkeys. Now, anyone goes on donkey? Finish, no one.
[4 Wheel drive].
4 Wheel drive. It’s donkey still 4 wheel drive. But, there is a 4wheel drive donkey, there is 4 wheel drive mule, there is 4 Wheel drive horse. That’s why they call horse power. What kind of horse power you have? Everyone’s car, they have to calculate how much the horse power. I think the strongest horse power is Ahmad Dede. He whirls, whirls, whirls, whirls, non-stopping. Allah gives him that power. If you tell me to whirl one time, I fall down. You whirl also? (asking Shaykh Abdurrahman) No?!
You eat. Allah gives people different things.
So he [Grandshaykh, red.] said “I was going down to Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi q.s. I was with one of my…., his name was Abdul Wahab As-Salah, one of the great Ulama’of Sham.” They were in the carriage, going, and and one walking stopped the horses, and looked at Grandshaykh, and looked at Abdul Wahab as-Salah, and he asked this question, to Abdul Wahab as-Salah, that `alim. He said, “Is he your shaykh, or are you his shaykh?”
Simple question. That man wants to know who is who. Both of them had beards, both of them they had turbans, both of them had jubbahs.
So, Abdul Wahab as-Salah said… What do you expect him to say? He’s a`lim. Shaykh Ahmad, what do you expect him to say?
He said, “I’m not his shaykh and he is not my shaykh”. Because he is `alim, he is not his Shaykh. He said, “I’m not his shaykh and he is not my shaykh”.
As soon as he said that, that one goes, disappeared. And Abdul Wahab Salah looked at Mawlana Grandshaykh. “Was there not someone here, and asking us a question, or I was imagining, dreaming?”
Grandshaykh said, “No”.
He (Abdul Wahab as-Salah) said, “I feel that there was someone, and he spoke to us, and I answered him. Is he still there, or what happened? He suddenly disappeared!”
And GrandShaykh, may Allah bless his soul, said, “No, he is still here. Look, he is there.”
“We’re not seeing it.”
Grandshaykh said, “Ya. For some people like you, what coming out of their mouth, Awliyaullah disappear because it’s bad smell.”
Like angels. Angels carry our prayers. When you pray, “Allahu Akbar”, as soon as you enter, Angels are waiting until you say, “Assalamu álaykum wa rahmatullah, Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullah.” to carry the prayer. If the prayer has bad smell, they don’t carry it. It doesn’t go up. That’s why after prayer, immediately, we say, “Astaghfirullah al-Adheem wa atuubu ilayh, astaghfirullah…” 3 times. In order that you are making istighfar, “Ya Rabbee, change that prayer from imitational prayer into a real prayer!” Because it is mixed with all our ego, all our gossips, and whisperings in our ears when we are praying. Because no one when he say “Allahu Akbar,” his prayer will be focused 100%. No way. Everyone will go somewhere. Everyone has something.
So he said, “That is a bad smell. When you said that, he didn’t like your answer. What are you going to lose? He is a stranger. He will never see you or never see me. What you are going to lose since he addressed the question to you ‘Who is the shaykh? He is your Shaykh or you are his Shaykh?’ to say ‘O, he is my Shaykh!’ But, arrogance and pride didn’t let you to say that. If he would address the question to me, I would have said, ‘He is my Shaykh’. So, he is still there. But, you are not seeing. Unless you repent.” Because he was a Sufi `alim.
He repented and said, “Ya Shaykh, oh, please ask Allah to forgive me!”
And then Grandshyakh recited that ayah, “Bismillahirrahmanir raheem.
"Wa maa arsalnaa min rasoolin illa liyuta`a biithni Allahi wa law annahum idh dhalamoo anfusahum jaooka fastaghfaroo Allaha wa staghfara lahumu ar-rasoolu la-wajadoo Allaha tawwaban raheeman"We sent not an apostle, but to be obeyed, in accordance with the will of Allah. If they had only, when they were unjust to themselves, come unto thee and asked Allah's forgiveness, and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah indeed Oft-returning, Most Merciful. An-Nisa [4:64]
“When they become oppressor or sinner to themselves, they come to you, Ya Muhammad, they make istighfar and they asked you to make on themselves istighfar, and you make on their behalf istighfar, Allah will accept them, Allah will forgive them. So, means you need that window, or that door, to come to Prophet sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam, whenever you make a sin, “Ya Sayyidee Ya Rasuulallaah, istaghfirlana Allaah”. “Ask Allah forgiveness on our behalf.” Allah will forgive.
So he said, “Since you asked forgiveness that man appeared [back]. Since you say ‘Astaghfirullah’ that man appeared.”
So, that is the problem, is the arrogance. Arrogance makes us to be awake like Iblis. One time he disobeyed. One time. Not two times, One time. Is it not? One time. He refused to make sajdah. Out! How many time we are disobeying Allah swt? And still He is Ghafurur Raheem. He was not for Iblis.
Iblis came later (to Musa), and said, “Ya Musa, ask Allah swt, is there any forgiveness for me?”
And Musa went to Tur Sina. And when he finished with what Allah obliged him to do, he did what he need to do, he went, and Allah asking, “Ya Musa what happened, Iblis came to you and asked you to asked Me if there is forgiveness, how you forgot?”
See. Allah Ghafurun Raheem. Allah wanted Iblis to repent. Allah created him, but Allah then cursed him, finish.
Musa said, “Ya Rabbee, he asked me if there is forgiveness.”
Allah answered, ”Yes, there is forgiveness on one condition.Go to Adam’s grave, find where is his grave. Go there, he knows where he is there. Make sajdah there. I’ll forgive him.”
So, Sayyidina Musa came. Iblis come to Sayyidina Musa, and said, “Ya Musa, did you get an answer?”
He said, “Yeah. Good tidings!”
Musa said, “Go to Adam’s grave and make sajdah there.”
Iblis said, ”Are you crazy? When he was alive, I didn’t make sajdah. Now, when he’s dead, I’m going to make sajdah? Curse more on him, I don’t care …”
So, Allah cursed them because there are proud people, arrogant people, stubborn with their pride. They never going to move. They think themselves they are everything. This is a sickness that Awliyaullah are trying to their followers to take it away. Alhamdulillah with the barakah of our Sultanul Awliya’, Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Al-Haqqani, with his power that he received, and the secrets, he makes everyone at least to be in a situation that makes people are humble, very humble. Look, at Mawlana’s murids. They are very humble. But, sometimes there are frictions.
[jokingly] Because husband and wife, if they don’t fight they don’t live. So, they have to fight at home, even. Is not? You fight with your wife? [asking towards Shaykh Abdurrahman] .
[No, she’s beating me]. [Audience laughing]
[Shaykh Abdurrahman’s daughter: he cannot win the fight]
You are his daughter?
Who beats who?
[No body beats each other]
But, you said he cannot win the fight?
[No, no…]
Alhamdulillah, you are humble to say that in front of all this people. If it were someone else, he’d say, “No, I beat her.”
[Audience laughing again]
You listen to her or she listens to you? (asking Shaykh Abdurrahman)
[Shaykh Abdurrahman: I don’t know Mawlana. Only when it’s necessary.]
Grandgrandshyakh Shaikh Sharafuddin. There was a big `alim in Rashadiyyah [Turkey, outskirt Istanbul], always wearing green, from top to bottom green, and a huge person. `alim in Shari’ah, aalim in Tariqah. When he comes, people listen. So, Shaykh Sharafuddin used to have scholars in his meetings also, and Grandshaykh sitting besides him, his uncle. So, GrandShaykh is saying that one time Shaykh Sharafuddin was sitting, and that `alim came. Everyone stood up. And Shaykh Sharafuddin speaks up, he said, because it’s the house of Shaykh Sharafuddin, so he is the host. He said, “Do you like to speak, or I speak?” He didn’t answer. Then Shaykh Sarafuddin said, “Do you listen to wife, or your wife listen to you? And la’anallahu l-kaadhibeen, Allah curse the one who lies. You say the truth!”
He answered, “Wallahi Ya Sayyeedee sometimes I listen to her.”
Shaykh Sharafuddin said then, “If you listen to her, you have no right to speak here!”
Adam listened one time, and he fell down. It means, you cannot listen, when you are `alim you know what is correct, what is not correct.
But, in our case, Alhamdulillah, we are not `ulama’, so we listen. [Audience laughing]
Sometimes we listen. Do you listen to her? (Asking an audience)
[Of course]
Haah, you see? He said “Of course.”
I have permission because she (Hajjah Naziha, Shaykh Hisham’s wife) is Mawlana’s daughter [Audience: Hahaha]
If I don’t listen I will be beaten from two sides: one side from her, and the other side from her father. And not only that, from her brothers…. O, she is not here.
What it means, really, because women, Allah swt gives them this Beauty. And Allah gave them that Heavenly Beauty. It means, whenever you want the best, is when you have a good wife. Then Allah swt will make your house a Paradise. So, it means, when you want to live a nice life, you have to make sure that your house is always on one level. So, you don’t have a problem within the house. So it means that shaykh had problems within the house. That’s why he (Shaykh Sharafuddin) said, “No, you cannot speak, I have to speak!” Then Sayyidina Shaykh Sharafuddin spoke.
So, Awliyaullah, always in such meetings, they say, when `alim come, “You have to speak, speak!” They don’t two or three speak at the same time. Today, you see everyone speaks from different [side].
Tomorrow, Wednesday, I’m going to go for a conference between scholars of Holland and scholars from America. Discussing Muslim issues in America and Muslim issues in Holland, comparison, under the US embassy. You know what will happen there? Everyone will speak from their sides and at the end no one will listen to the other. This is always the case. So, you don’t feel that they will come to an agreement. Sahabah always they came to an agreement. That is why they were very strong, and Allah swt gave them success. After Sahabah, tabi’in, tabi’ut tabi’in, they were the best three centuries. And after that, Muslims begin to fall down.
So, may Allah swt keep us very closely tight together [Aameen] united under Mawalana Shaykh Nazim’s authority. Because Allah swt said
Ya ayyuha alladheena amanoo atee`oo Allaha wa atee`oo ar-rasoola wa uli’l-amri minkum fa in tanaza`tum fee shayin fa-ruddoohu ila Allahi war-rasooli in kuntum tuminoona billahi wa’l-yawmi al-akhiri dhaalika khayrun wa ahsanu taaweelan
O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day: That is best, and most suitable for final determination. An-Nisa [4:59]
“Obey Allah, and obey Prophet, and obey those who are on authority!” And Allah gave that authority to our Shaykh. Means, he look at everyone the same. Like one time he was explaining to me. He took the turban like this, and he said, “ Look! It’s empty, there is nothing here, It’s nice, is not? Ok. If you put here jewels all around it. Everywhere you put jewels, different colors, different kind. And one of the jewel you take out here, it looks ugly or not? [Yes] Look ugly”. He said, “I’m by myself is very beautiful, very nice. When I have students all of them are jewels to me. If I throw one out, if one of the jewels out, of them, it becomes its place empty, becomes ugly. So, to me, everyone is equal. I don’t differentiate between this one or that one. All of them I look at them the same.”
Prophet sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam said “An Naasu sawaasiyatun ka-asnaanil- masht” All human being are equal like the teeth of a comb." and “Laa farqa bayna `Arabiyyin wa la `Ajamiyyin illaa bit Taqwa”. “There is no differences between an Arab or a non Arab, except through righteousness.”
So everyone loves Mawlana Shaykh..everyone comes to the door of Mawlana Shaykh. All of them are in his eyes equal, treats them the same. Now, if there are some of different level, higher or lower, that is different. But all of them, he looks at them the same. He doesn’t differentiate. But, if someone is progressing than the other, then of course that one, he will be rewarded differently. In his common sense, he is looking at everyone the same.
May Allah swt keep us with Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and give us the blessing of his power, and power of Grandshaykh to Prophet sallalLahu ‘alayhi wasallam.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq,
Thank you very much for inviting me and inviting Shaykh Ahmad Dede, and he did not whirl for us. But, never mind.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq, Bihurmatil Faatihah!